The following table lists the records currently in this Guide Map. For an explantion of the Guide Maps and a table of all 62 Guide Maps, follow this link: Guide List Table. Introductory text will be added to each guide list in 2025. Notes on duplication and omissions will appear below the table once checks have been finalised.
PS. These notes are to assist untangling complicated records and are neither permanent nor a criticism of the HER who do a fantastic job! The author finds it easier to systematically work through these records (2000+ of them) and add these notes, which are then to be communicated with the HER, if appropriate, it is a pragmatic way of dealing with lots of data without continually stopping and starting.
Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!
OS Map: SX 55450 74790
NMR record: SX 57 SE 12
HER record: MDV14795
Megalithic Portal: 2046
PMD: Merrivale
ShortName: CX Merrivale
DPD page: 16
Notes: The Merrivale Ceremonial Complex consists of a stone circle a large menhir and two double stone rows and burial cairns. See also: Legendary Dartmoor: Merrivale Ceremonial Complex. Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55457479
OS Map: SX 55361 74641
NMR record: SX 57 SE 8
HER record: MDV4998
Megalithic Portal: 116
PMD: Merrivale Stone Circle
ShortName: SC Merrivale
DPD page: 17
Turner: G14
Notes: "A stone circle with a diameter of 20.0m. measured from northeast to southwest and 18.0m from northwest to southeast. It is formed by eleven stones spaced between 2.7m and 6.7m. apart and from 0.3m. to 0.5m. high. Three of the stones are of post type and eight are upright slabs. An additional stone, 7.5m. from the northeast side and 0.3m high, is angled towards the circle and may be quite unassociated". See also Legendary Dartmoor: Merrivale Ceremonial Complex. Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram 16.
Nearby sites: SX55367464
OS Map: SX 55541 74809
NMR record: SX 57 SE 12
HER record: MDV14797
Megalithic Portal: 2044
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 1
PMD: Merrivale A Stone Row
Alternate name: Merrivale 1 Stone Row
ShortName: SR MerrivaleA
Butler map: 44.8.1
DPD page: 16
Notes: Worth Merrivale A. Butler Merrivale 1. "Two Bronze Age double stone rows and associated cairns are located on open moorland. The rows are oriented roughly east to west and are almost parallel, being 25 metres between centres at their eastern ends increasing to 32 metres at the west. A leat still used to convey water to Hillside Stables separates the two monuments and flows to within 2 metres of the northern row. A single row (see SX 57 SE 115) runs roughly south-west from a small cairn at SX 55397476, some 4.75 metres south of the south row." Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55547481
OS Map: SX 55567 74788
NMR record: SX 57 SE 12
HER record: MDV14795
Megalithic Portal: 117
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 2
PMD: Merrivale B Stone Row
Alternate name: Merrivale 2 Stone Row
ShortName: SR MerrivaleB
Butler map: 44.8.2
DPD page: 16
Notes: Butler Merrivale 2. Worth Merrivale B. For description see Merrivale A. Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55577479
OS Map: SX 55394 74761
NMR record: SX 57 SE 115
HER record: MDV5001
Megalithic Portal: 3391
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 3
PMD: Merrivale C Stone Row
Alternate name: Merrivale 3 Stone Row
ShortName: SR MerrivaleC
Butler map: 44.8.3
DPD page: 17
Notes: Butler Merrivale 3. Worth Merrivale C. "A stone row and a small cairn lie to the south of the double stone rows in close-cropped moorland turf. The cairn located at the northern end and slightly off-centre to the row, measures 3.2m across and up to 0.5m high. An 0.3m deep central pit opens out on the southern side. There is no obvious kerb or cist but a transverse slab, the terminal slab of the row, is set within the south side of the mound. The existence of this slab suggest that the row pre-dates the mound. The stone row extends for 41.7m in a southerly direction to an upright stone (SX553774720). However, during the English Heritage 1999 survey a further stone was located on the same alignment beyond this stone indicating an overall length for the row of at least 60m. The new partially buried stone at SX55337484 is visible as a rounded stone 0.15m across; it is similar to others in the row. A total of six upright stones, six stones protruding through the turf and about ten slight depressions, now indicate this 60m long alignment. The transverse stone within the cairn is 0.5m by 0.4 and 0.15m thick. The two adjacent in line slabs are 0.6m 0.3m by 0.15m and 0.3 by 0.2 and 0.2m thick respectively. The other large stone (SX55377472) is 0.5 by 0.4 and up to 0.4m thick. The other stones are up to 0.15m high." Lethbridge pp.16-18 Row C, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55397476
OS Map: SX 55361 74592
NMR record: SX 57 SE 9
HER record: MDV53397
Megalithic Portal: 3388
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 4
PMD: Merrivale Menhir I Stone Row
Alternate name: Merrivale 4 Stone Row
ShortName: SR Mer Menhir
Butler map: 44.8.4
DPD page: 17
Notes: Butler Row 4. Prehistoric Monuments of Dartmoor website Menhir 1. "Stone row 4 is now a trivial affair [Butler] of 3 small slabs aligned towards a squarish block near the base of the standing stone. This area has suffered some damage over the past century. There were 5 stones in 1895, the missing one presumably accounted for by the pit which has appeared between the upper stones. This may well be the site of the cairn, C4, at the head of the rows recorded by Rowe but not included in the plans of Lukis or Worth. Nor is there much surviving from the circle of slabs around the menhir depicted in Bray's plan and recorded by Spence Bate in 1871, or the nearby cist which he excavated, C5. The Exploration Committee excavated at both ends of the row but no more socket holes were found and they concluded that this short alignment was complete." Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55367459
OS Map: SX 55354 74592
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV53398
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 5
PMD: Merrivale Menhir II
ShortName: SR:Merrivale 5
Butler map: 44.8
Nearby sites: SX55357459
OS Map: SX 55344 74590
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 6
ShortName: SR Merrivale 6
Butler map: 44.8
Nearby sites: SX55347459
OS Map: SX 55359 74599
NMR record: SX 57 SE 9
HER record: MDV53395
Megalithic Portal: 115
PMD: Merrivale Standing Stone
ShortName: SS Merrivale
Butler map: 44.8.4
DPD page: 17
Notes: "Two Bronze Age standing stones with a disturbed cairn and a number of small earth fast stones. Located in open generally clitter-free moorland. Only one of the two stones still stands; it is 3.2 metres high and tapers from the base which is 0.7 by 0.5 metres in section. Whether the stone was once the focus or terminus of a stone rows is uncertain. The second stone is now fallen, it is 2.2 metres long, up to 0.4 metres wide and 0.3 metres thick. An adjacent 0.3 metre deep pit may be its socket hole. "
Nearby sites: SX55367460
OS Map: SX 55371 74596
NMR record: SX 57 SE 9
HER record: MDV53396
ShortName: SS-Merrivale 2
Butler map: 44.8.4
DPD page: 17
Notes: "The second stone is now fallen, it is 2.2 metres long, up to 0.4 metres wide and 0.3 metres thick. An adjacent 0.3 metre deep pit may be its socket hole." According to Butler it was "erected in 1895 in the pit alongside, toppling again a few years later".
Nearby sites: SX55377460
OS Map: SX 55548 74817
NMR record: SX 57 SE 12
HER record: MDV29078
Megalithic Portal: 3390
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 1
PMD: Merrivale A Stone Row
Alternate name: Merrivale double row 1 (east end) Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Merrivale 1
Butler map: 44.8.1
Notes: At the eastern end (of the northern stone row) there is a blocking stone and beyond it a number of earthfast and loose slabs which seem to represent a former kerb or circle about 5.6m. in diameter. The blocking stone is part of the circle with two or possibly three earthfast slabs on end, three recumbent slabs, and four other post or slab stones which are much displaced or entirely unconnected. The stones are spaced at about 2.0m. intervals; uprooted slabs are from 0.3m. square to 0.4m. by 0.5m., earthfast stones 0.1m. high. There is no sign of a cairn or cist.
Nearby sites: SX55557482
OS Map: SX 55442 74779
NMR record: SX 57 SE 12
HER record: MDV14796
Megalithic Portal: 3389
PMD: Merrivale S row
Alternate name: Merrivale double row 2 centre Encircled Cairn and Cist
ShortName: CT Merrivale 2
Butler map: 44.8.2
DPD page: 17
Grinsell: WAL 4
Turner: F20
Notes: Butler Merrivale double row 2, (centre) - Vol. 3. Map 44.8.1 (diagram p.27). Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55447478
OS Map: SX 55399 74770
NMR record: SX 57 SE 115
HER record: MDV5000
PMD: Merrivale Short Stone Row
ShortName: CN Merrivale 3
Butler map: 44.8.3
Grinsell: WAL 2
Notes: Cairn located at the north-eastern end of the short single stone row, immediately south of the southern double stone row. It is of small stone construction, and is now turf-covered. "A small cairn that coontianed a ruined kistvaen" (Baring-Gould DEC Report No.2 1895)
Nearby sites: SX55407477
OS Map: SX 55350 74580
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
ShortName: CN?Merrivale 4
Butler map: 44.8.4
Notes: Cairn recored by Rowe at the head of Merrivale row 4. Not recorded by Lukis or worth. Not trabeable now.
Nearby sites: SX55357458
OS Map: SX 55300 74500
NMR record: SX 57 SE 9
HER: No record found
ShortName: CN?Merrivale 5
Butler map: 44.8.5
Notes: Butler: "Nor is there much surviving from the circle of slabs around the menhir depicted in Bray's plan and recorded by Spence Bate in 1871, or the nearby cist which he excavated"
Nearby sites: SX55307450
OS Map: SX 55368 74602
NMR record: SX 57 SE 9
HER record: MDV3759
Megalithic Portal: 52014
The Stone Rows of GB: Merrivale 4
PMD: Merrivale Menhir
Alternate name: Merrivale 6 (near standing stone) Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Merrivale 6
Butler map: 44.8.6
Grinsell: WAL 6
Turner: F19
Notes: The cairn now turf-covered with an excavation pit in the centre, has a diameter of 2.4m. and a height of 0.1m. The excavation pit can be seen in the photo. A very irregular "circle" of stones can be seen around this cairn. Turner F19.
Nearby sites: SX55377460
OS Map: SX 55490 74770
NMR record: SX 57 SE 10
HER record: MDV3738
Megalithic Portal: 10465
PMD: Merrivale
Alternate name: Merrivale 7 Cist
ShortName: CT Merrivale 7
Butler map: 44.8.7
DPD page: 18
Grinsell: WAL 5
Notes: "A very fine Bronze Age cist which measures internally 2.2 metres long by 0.9 metres wide and up to 0.8 metres deep. The triangular-shaped slab which forms the massive cover stone is up to 2.1metres wide and averages 0.4 metres thick; a central part has been removed by stone cutters revealing the water-filled cist and a broken fragment of the coverslab." See also, Legendary Dartmoor: The Merrivale Kist. Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16. Butler Vol. 3. Map 44.8.7 (diagram of location in ceremonial complex p.24, diagram of cist p.31).
Nearby sites: SX55497477
OS Map: SX 55360 74747
NMR record: SX 57 SE 7
HER record: MDV4997
Megalithic Portal: 10503
PMD: Merrivale SW.
Alternate name: Merrivale 8 Embanked Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Merrivale 8
Butler map: 44.8.8
Grinsell: WAL 1
Turner: B2
Notes: "The excavation of 1851 seems to have been thorough, completely destroying structural remains of both the cairn and the 'cist or inner circle',. There is now a circular turf covered area, 18.0m. in diameter, with random stones protruding through the surface. Off centre there is a hollow, 7.0m. by 4.0m. and 0.5m. deep." Butler Merrivale Vol. 3. Map 44.8.8 (pp.30-1).
Nearby sites: SX55367475
OS Map: SX 55353 74725
NMR record: SX 57 SE 100
HER record: MDV28496
ShortName: CN Merrivale 9
Butler map: 44.8.9
Grinsell: WAL 3
Notes: "Cairn measuring 4.0 meters in diameter and standing 0.6 meters high, with a pit 1.3 meters in diameter by 0.4 meters deep in the centre of the mound."
Nearby sites: SX55357473
OS Map: SX 55340 74845
NMR record: SX 57 SE 6
HER record: MDV3757
Megalithic Portal: 10502
Alternate name: Merrivale 10 Embanked Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Merrivale10
Butler map: 44.8.10
Turner: B8
Notes: "Turner describes this site as an embanked stone circle; an annular bank of earth and/or stones with an inner edge of orthostats. Internal diameter is 8.0 meters with a bank 0.8 meters wide and 0.3 meters high. Much disturbed." Turner B8.
Nearby sites: SX55347485
OS Map: SX 55800 74940
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
ShortName: CN:Merrivale11
Butler map: 44.8.11
Notes: Butler: "A total casualty, C11, is the cairn on the north side of the road shown in the plan accompanying the Exploration Committee's report. It was apparently large about the size of C8, but had completely disappeared by 1895"
Nearby sites: SX55807494
OS Map: SX 55640 74870
NMR record: SX 57 SE 108
HER record: MDV28493
ShortName: CN Merrivale12
Butler map: 44.8.12
Nearby sites: SX55647487
OS Map: SX 55605 74758
NMR record: SX 57 SE 110
HER record: MDV4961
ShortName: CN-Merrivale13
Butler map: 44.8.13
Notes: Their form and positioning does not suggest either a prehistoric origin nor a sepulchral use. [N.B. This Butler entry Merrivale reave cairns 13 (1-5) has been separated into individual sites.]
Nearby sites: SX55617476
OS Map: SX 55633 74716
NMR record: SX 57 SE 110
HER record: MDV28497
ShortName: CN-Merrivale14
Butler map: 44.8.14
Nearby sites: SX55637472
OS Map: SX 55641 74697
NMR record: SX 57 SE 110
HER record: MDV53412
ShortName: CN-Merrivale15
Butler map: 44.8.15
Nearby sites: SX55647470
OS Map: SX 55647 74689
NMR record: SX 57 SE 110
HER record: MDV53413
ShortName: CN-Merrivale16
Butler map: 44.8.16
Nearby sites: SX55657469
OS Map: SX 55661 74675
NMR record: SX 57 SE 110
HER record: MDV28492
ShortName: CN-Merrivale17
Butler map: 44.8.17
Nearby sites: SX55667468
OS Map: SX 55280 74742
NMR record: SX 57 SE 178
HER record: MDV103582
ShortName: CN Merrivale18
Nearby sites: SX55287474
OS Map: SX 55294 74727
NMR record: SX 57 SE 182
HER record: MDV103583
ShortName: CN Merrivale19
Nearby sites: SX55297473
OS Map: SX 55700 75200
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV61740
ShortName: CN:Merrivale20
Nearby sites: SX55707520
OS Map: SX 55964 75448
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV56739
ShortName: CN-Merrivale21
Notes: Dubious. Visited 09/09/23. There are nearby mounds with lots of activity of stone cutters. The appearance of this site is modern and the HER suggests " military training pit". Either way, it is not prehistoric. Entry altered to reflect it is not a cairn.
Nearby sites: SX55967545
OS Map: SX 55256 75145
NMR record: SX 57 NE 52
HER record: MDV28518
ShortName: CN Merrivale22
Butler map: 30.7
Notes: Cairn or hut? "Recorded by Ordnance Survey (1979) as a hut, but Gerrard (1999) suggests it is a cairn. Feature measures 5.7 metres in diameter, height 0.6 metres. Kerb visible in places. Large numbers of rocks with quartz in them. Cairn lies 6 metres from field wall, which appears to kink around it." Visited 09/09/23 - a bit of a jumble of stones covered in vegetation. Identification of correct site not 100% certain but fits with mutilated cairn.
Nearby sites: SX55267515
OS Map: SX 55000 75000
NMR record: SX 57 NE 37
HER record: MDV4198
ShortName: CN?Merrivale23
Nearby sites: SX55007500
OS Map: SX 55570 74700
NMR record: SX 57 SE 101
HER record: MDV131639
PMD: Wood & Pennys Cist at Merrivale
ShortName: CNxMerrivale24
Grinsell: WAL 6a
Notes: Wood and Penny assert that a cairn containing a cist lies at SX55577470, at end of stone row. Grinsell suggests this is a natural feature. Alleged Bronze Age cairn and cist, but apparently a feature caused by a random spread of naturally occuring stones and boulders
Nearby sites: SX55577470
OS Map: SX 55518 75832
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV102721
PMD: Merrivale Newtake
ShortName: CT Merrivale25
Notes: Greeves 2006 Very probable prehistoric cist set in a small cairn, with a discrete set slab on east side of cairn mound. The author visited 09/09/23 and while no cist stones were visible (could be covered) the site does look like a possible cist.
Nearby sites: SX55527583
OS Map: SX 55500 74900
NMR record: SX 57 SE 19
HER record: MDV4897
Megalithic Portal: 1520
ShortName: ST Merrivale
DPD page: 18
Notes: Merrivale Prehistoric Settlement is a partially enclosed stone hut circle settlement, including at least thirty six hut circles and four separate enclosures. Lethbridge pp.16-18, diagram p.16.
Nearby sites: SX55507490
OS Map: SX 56350 74465
NMR record: SX 57 SE 14
HER record: MDV5002
Megalithic Portal: 45778
PMD: Yellowmeade Farm NW.
Alternate name: Yellowmeade 1 Cist
ShortName: CT Yellowm Fm1
Butler map: 44.1.1
DPD page: 18
Grinsell: WAL 7
Barrow Report: 67
Notes: Butler Yellowmeade 1 - Vol. 3. Map 44.1 (diagram p.17).
Nearby sites: SX56357447
OS Map: SX 56460 74420
NMR record: SX 57 SE 113
HER record: MDV28491
ShortName: CN:Yellowm Fm2
Butler map: 44.1.2
Notes: a cairn, of possibly prehistoric date measuring 3.3m across x 0.3m high, with no definite kerb but one recumbent slab stone on the east side. It is near a ruined hut circle and a newtake wall may indicate a collection heap for wall construction
Nearby sites: SX56467442
OS Map: SX 56480 74420
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV4954
ShortName: CT-Yellowm Fm3
Notes: Probable hut circle. nw of the nw angle of the ends of yellowmeade farm, practically on the old tavistock-ashburton track. The cairn may contain a kistvaen. To the ne of the cairn there is a pound enclosing 3 hut circles. Large stones are used in the cairn.
Nearby sites: SX56487442
OS Map: SX 56926 75946
NMR record: SX 57 NE 49
HER record: MDV15372
Megalithic Portal: 45609
Alternate name: Little Mis Tor S.E. Embanked Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC:MisTor Farm
Butler map: 30.17
Butler Vol 5: p.163 & Fig.104
Grinsell: LYD 37a
Turner: B13
Notes: "Base of ancient tumulus, about 20m in diameter, may have formed a bound of the ancient boundary between lydford and walkhampton (prowse)."
Nearby sites: SX56937595
Page last updated 10/12/24