Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Prehistoric sites within 2km of SX 63551 72129

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

Search for sites near-by OS Grid Reference

About the database listings: In all listings clicking on the photo or the site name will open a page for the site with a larger photo and further details from the database. The database now has over 6680 records covering nearly all publicly listed sites on Dartmoor including around 4800 round houses. This level of detail is of interest to archaeologists but tends to swamp listings of sites more likely to be of interest for walkers. For this reason, the listings default to around 550 core sites only. These are the stone circles, stone rows and the ring cairns listed by Turner. The default search radius is 2 km. The controls below the map can be used to start a new search by entering a 6- or 8-digit reference (without the prefix "SX"). The search radius can be specified and you can add incremental Display layers of detail on top of the core sites. If using a more detailed layer you will need to decrease the search radius to avoid getting hundreds of search results.

These listings have incorporated, matched up and merged all of the records from all of the major archaeological listings including: Worth, Grinsell, Turner, Butler, Bill Radcliffe, Sandy Gerrard, Megalithic Portal, the National Monument Records and the Historic Environment Records. The author would like to thank Bill, Sandy, the lovely people both at Megalithic Portal (especially Anne Tate who did an amazing job to link listings) and at ACE Archaeology for collaborative work over the years to synchronise and correct listings across the various websites which now interlink. A culmination of years of work the final merger of cairn records took 3 months of cross referencing in 2017 the result being a snapshot of the records at that time. This data has in turn been refined since by field work and research. The round house data was supplied by Sandy Gerrard. Grid references are in order of accuracy: from Google Earth satellite, if visible and found, from a Garmin GPS reading, if visited by the author and from the literature otherwise. Individual site pages will state the source of the grid reference and provide satellite imagery. If a site listing lacks a photo it has not yet been visited by the author in which case the grid reference is from the literature.

Currently the database only includes sites which can be represented by a grid reference. Reaves are not included as they require GIS shape technology which is beyond the current capability of this system. To see the sources for the records, look at the tables on the resources menu. The database listings can also be viewed on a Google map and downloaded as GPS datasets for Garmin devices.

Corrections, or any feedback or suggestions are very welcome, email:

NOTE: Clicking on the icons for each monument in the map will give the name of the site. You can zoom in and out and drag the map around.

List of sites within 2km of SX 63551 72129

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63941 71999
HER: MDV26141
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 26
Nearby sites: SX 63941 71999
Distance: 0.41km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63555 72118
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 27
Nearby sites: SX 63555 72118
Distance: 0.01km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63935 71997
HER: MDV26141
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 28
Nearby sites: SX 63935 71997
Distance: 0.41km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63747 72098
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 29
Nearby sites: SX 63747 72098
Distance: 0.20km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63553 72080
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 30
Nearby sites: SX 63553 72080
Distance: 0.05km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63733 72111
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 31
Nearby sites: SX 63733 72111
Distance: 0.18km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63586 72056
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 32
Nearby sites: SX 63586 72056
Distance: 0.08km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63600 72135
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 33
Nearby sites: SX 63600 72135
Distance: 0.05km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63546 72123
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 34
Nearby sites: SX 63546 72123
Distance: 0.01km

Royal Hill E Round House

OS Map: SX 63046 71957
HER: MDV54416
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil1
Nearby sites: SX 63046 71957
Distance: 0.53km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63552 72176
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 35
Nearby sites: SX 63552 72176
Distance: 0.05km

Royal Hill E Round House

OS Map: SX 63042 71941
HER: MDV54418
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil2
Nearby sites: SX 63042 71941
Distance: 0.54km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63551 72129
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 36
Nearby sites: SX 63551 72129
Distance: 0.00km

Royal Hill E Round House

OS Map: SX 63059 71922
HER: MDV54417
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil3
Nearby sites: SX 63059 71922
Distance: 0.53km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63588 72124
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 37
Nearby sites: SX 63588 72124
Distance: 0.04km

Royal Hill E Round House

OS Map: SX 6327 7244
HER: MDV26089
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil4
Nearby sites: SX 6327 7244
Distance: 0.42km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63605 72141
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 38
Nearby sites: SX 63605 72141
Distance: 0.06km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62397 71304
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil5
Nearby sites: SX 62397 71304
Distance: 1.42km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63605 72130
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 39
Nearby sites: SX 63605 72130
Distance: 0.05km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62406 71341
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil6
Nearby sites: SX 62406 71341
Distance: 1.39km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63609 72148
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 40
Nearby sites: SX 63609 72148
Distance: 0.06km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62412 71293
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil7
Nearby sites: SX 62412 71293
Distance: 1.41km

Ter Hill NW Round House

OS Map: SX 63248 71624
HER: MDV6370
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 41
Nearby sites: SX 63248 71624
Distance: 0.59km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62426 71344
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil8
Nearby sites: SX 62426 71344
Distance: 1.37km

Ter Hill NW Round House

OS Map: SX 63284 71640
HER: MDV6370
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 42
Nearby sites: SX 63284 71640
Distance: 0.56km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62428 71312
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil9
Nearby sites: SX 62428 71312
Distance: 1.39km

Ter Hill NW Round House

OS Map: SX 63293 71633
HER: MDV6370
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 43
Nearby sites: SX 63293 71633
Distance: 0.56km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62449 71356
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil10
Nearby sites: SX 62449 71356
Distance: 1.35km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62473 71325
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil11
Nearby sites: SX 62473 71325
Distance: 1.34km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62473 71315
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil12
Nearby sites: SX 62473 71315
Distance: 1.35km

Royal Hill S Round House

OS Map: SX 62468 71363
HER: MDV12965
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil13
Nearby sites: SX 62468 71363
Distance: 1.33km

Royal Hill SE Round House

OS Map: SX 6294 7167
HER: MDV26071
ShortName: HT:Royal Hil14
Nearby sites: SX 6294 7167
Distance: 0.76km

Ter Hill N.W.3 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 6289 7109
HER: MDV12969
ShortName: CN:Ter Hill 3
Grinsell: LYD 98a
Notes: A low turf-covered mound situated at SX 62887108 is probably the feature noted by both Fox and Grinsell. It lies in tall cotton grass on a south-west facing peat-covered hiislope in an area covered by low swellings, gullies and a marked accumulation of surface peat.
Nearby sites: SX 6289 7109
Distance: 1.23km

Weal Emma Leat (S) Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 6388 7199
HER: MDV12970
ShortName: CN?S of Weal1
Grinsell: LYD 99
Notes: Hut circle
Nearby sites: SX 6388 7199
Distance: 0.36km

Dunnabridge Plantation Round House

OS Map: SX 6354 7407
HER: MDV26105
ShortName: HT:Dunnabrid4
Nearby sites: SX 6354 7407
Distance: 1.94km

Dunnabridge Pound Round House

OS Map: SX 6418 7302
HER: MDV26086
ShortName: HT:Dunnabrid7
Nearby sites: SX 6418 7302
Distance: 1.09km

Joan Ford's Newtake N.1 Cairn

Joan Ford's Newtake N.1 Cairn

OS Map: SX 62970 72264
HER: MDV18389
ShortName: CN Joan Ford3
Butler map: 63.3
Nearby sites: SX 62970 72264
Distance: 0.60km

Joan Ford's Newtake N.2 Cairn Circle

Joan Ford's Newtake N.2 Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 63002 72332
HER: MDV54460
ShortName: CN Joan Ford4
Butler map: 63.3
Notes: "A probable ring cairn situated on a slight NW slope. At least eight tin pits occur immediately to the E and S, and modern small stone clearance heaps are visible everywhere. The circular turf-covered stony bank is 12.2m in overall diameter, 2.0m wide and on average 0.4m high; a few stones protrude through the turf but there is no obvious trace of a kerb, slabs or boulders. Two or three modern clearance heaps lie on the bank and a gap on the N side with an adjacent corresponding pile of spoil is probably a recent mutilation" The photo shows one of the heaps on the bank which can just be seen.
Nearby sites: SX 63002 72332
Distance: 0.59km

Joan Ford's Newtake N.4 Clearance Cairn

Joan Ford's Newtake N.4 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 62911 72319
HER: MDV18390
ShortName: CN Joan Ford6
Butler map: 63.3
Nearby sites: SX 62911 72319
Distance: 0.67km

Swincombe Ford Newtake 2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 6331 7307
ShortName: CN?Swincombe3
Butler map: 63.5.2
Notes: Butler: "A short distance to the north is a smaller oval mound ... possibly a second burial cairn". Not listed on NMR or HER.
Nearby sites: SX 6331 7307
Distance: 0.97km

Joan Ford's Newtake N.5 Clearance Cairn

Joan Ford's Newtake N.5 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 63050 72366
ShortName: CN Joan Ford7
Notes: An oval shaped mound of stones that has the appearance of a modern clearance cairn. Added as record Joan Ford's Newtake N.5 to add to the Butler cairns N.1-N.4.
Nearby sites: SX 63050 72366
Distance: 0.55km

Ter Hill N.W.4 Cairn

OS Map: SX 6382 7079
HER: MDV58864
ShortName: CN:Ter Hill 4
Nearby sites: SX 6382 7079
Distance: 1.37km

Royal Hill E.2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 6179 7195
ShortName: CN?RoyalHill 2
Butler map: 65.5.2
Notes: Butler: "A tiny satellite cairn inconspicuous some 30 m to the west has been exposed by turf cuters in the old ties across teh summit". Not listed on NMR or HER.
Nearby sites: SX 6179 7195
Distance: 1.77km

Royal Hill E.6 Cairn

OS Map: SX 6208 7257
HER: MDV28603
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill 6
Butler map: 65.5.6
Nearby sites: SX 6208 7257
Distance: 1.54km

Dartmoor Training Centre Round House

OS Map: SX 6277 7394
HER: MDV6373
ShortName: HT:Dartmoor 1
Nearby sites: SX 6277 7394
Distance: 1.97km

Hexworthy (near) Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 655 725
HER: MDV13004
PMD: Hexworthy
ShortName: CT?Hexworthy1
Grinsell: LYD 109
Notes: Destroyed for road building, report by Burnard
Nearby sites: SX 655 725
Distance: 1.98km

Royal Hill E.8 Cairn

OS Map: SX 6227 7130
HER: MDV78792
ShortName: CN?RoyalHill 8
Nearby sites: SX 6227 7130
Distance: 1.53km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64631 72255
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin1
Nearby sites: SX 64631 72255
Distance: 1.09km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64634 72246
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin2
Nearby sites: SX 64634 72246
Distance: 1.09km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64310 71925
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin3
Nearby sites: SX 64310 71925
Distance: 0.79km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64648 72247
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin4
Nearby sites: SX 64648 72247
Distance: 1.10km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64617 72222
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin5
Nearby sites: SX 64617 72222
Distance: 1.07km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64684 72286
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin6
Nearby sites: SX 64684 72286
Distance: 1.14km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64304 72080
HER: MDV26140
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin7
Nearby sites: SX 64304 72080
Distance: 0.75km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64283 72035
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin8
Nearby sites: SX 64283 72035
Distance: 0.74km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64644 72231
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin9
Nearby sites: SX 64644 72231
Distance: 1.10km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64321 71899
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin10
Nearby sites: SX 64321 71899
Distance: 0.80km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64755 72325
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin11
Nearby sites: SX 64755 72325
Distance: 1.22km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64749 72307
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin12
Nearby sites: SX 64749 72307
Distance: 1.21km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64519 72459
HER: MDV6345
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin13
Nearby sites: SX 64519 72459
Distance: 1.02km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64576 72298
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin14
Nearby sites: SX 64576 72298
Distance: 1.04km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64579 72272
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin15
Nearby sites: SX 64579 72272
Distance: 1.04km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64629 72311
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin16
Nearby sites: SX 64629 72311
Distance: 1.09km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64590 72227
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin17
Nearby sites: SX 64590 72227
Distance: 1.04km

Swincombe Ford Newtake 1 (duplicate) Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 6345 7285
HER: MDV59551
ShortName: CT:Swincombe2
Notes: Most likely a duplicate of HER 54431
Nearby sites: SX 6345 7285
Distance: 0.73km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64312 71905
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin18
Nearby sites: SX 64312 71905
Distance: 0.79km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64597 72244
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin19
Nearby sites: SX 64597 72244
Distance: 1.05km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64336 72483
HER: MDV6344
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin20
Nearby sites: SX 64336 72483
Distance: 0.86km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64616 72238
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin21
Nearby sites: SX 64616 72238
Distance: 1.07km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64626 72268
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin22
Nearby sites: SX 64626 72268
Distance: 1.08km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64406 72301
HER: MDV26134
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin23
Nearby sites: SX 64406 72301
Distance: 0.87km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64632 72317
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin24
Nearby sites: SX 64632 72317
Distance: 1.10km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64329 71905
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin25
Nearby sites: SX 64329 71905
Distance: 0.81km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64763 72268
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin26
Nearby sites: SX 64763 72268
Distance: 1.22km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64742 72243
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin27
Nearby sites: SX 64742 72243
Distance: 1.20km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64765 72272
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin28
Nearby sites: SX 64765 72272
Distance: 1.22km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64765 72252
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin29
Nearby sites: SX 64765 72252
Distance: 1.22km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64787 72277
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin30
Nearby sites: SX 64787 72277
Distance: 1.24km

Deep Swincombe Round House

OS Map: SX 64807 72323
HER: MDV107506
ShortName: HT:Deep Swin31
Nearby sites: SX 64807 72323
Distance: 1.27km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62991 73727
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands1
Nearby sites: SX 62991 73727
Distance: 1.69km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62981 73715
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands2
Nearby sites: SX 62981 73715
Distance: 1.69km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 6296 7366
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands3
Nearby sites: SX 6296 7366
Distance: 1.64km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62617 73652
HER: MDV6255
ShortName: HT:Moorlands4
Nearby sites: SX 62617 73652
Distance: 1.79km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62933 73725
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands5
Nearby sites: SX 62933 73725
Distance: 1.71km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 6292 7378
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands6
Nearby sites: SX 6292 7378
Distance: 1.77km

Moorlands Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62899 73711
HER: MDV6215
ShortName: HT:Moorlands7
Nearby sites: SX 62899 73711
Distance: 1.71km

Fox Tor Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62729 71292
HER: MDV25568
ShortName: HT:Fox Tor F1
Nearby sites: SX 62729 71292
Distance: 1.17km

Fox Tor Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62732 71332
HER: MDV25568
ShortName: HT:Fox Tor F2
Nearby sites: SX 62732 71332
Distance: 1.14km

Fox Tor Farm Round House

OS Map: SX 62734 71349
HER: MDV25568
ShortName: HT:Fox Tor F3
Nearby sites: SX 62734 71349
Distance: 1.13km

Royal Hill, wall Reported Cist

Royal Hill, wall Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 62646 72246
HER: MDV18403
PMD: Swincombe
ShortName: CT-RoyalHill 9
Notes: The suggested cist, beside a length of bank and with numerous earthfast stones in visibility. The primary feature is a rectilinear slab 1.5 metres long, 1.2 metres wide and 0.1 metres thick. Its north-east corner rests upon a thin embedded stone, about 0.8 metres long and 0.1 metres high, and the slab is thus raised from the surface ... The impression gained is that, being similar to a coverstone, the large slab has been moved in the false expectation of a cist beneath.
Nearby sites: SX 62646 72246
Distance: 0.92km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry A Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6265 7227
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill11
Notes: "Cairn A. The most northerly is crest-sited as you approach uphill from the south, with concave centre. Approximately 4.0 metres in diameter, Maximum height of 0.4 metres with a 2.0 metre length of wall attached to the south-west." Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 6265 7227
Distance: 0.91km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry B Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6259 7223
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill12
Notes: Cairn B. 1st of line of cairns B-B2-B3-C. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401) "The second cairn 33 metres to the south-west of A is 2.0 metres in diameter."
Nearby sites: SX 6259 7223
Distance: 0.97km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry B2 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 62588 72218
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill13
Notes: Cairn B2. 2nd of line of cairns B-B2-B3-C. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 62588 72218
Distance: 0.97km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry B3 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 62584 72204
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill14
Notes: Cairn B3. 3rd of line of cairns B-B2-B3-C. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 62584 72204
Distance: 0.97km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry C Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6258 7219
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill15
Notes: Cairn C. 4th of line of cairns B-B2-B3-C. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 6258 7219
Distance: 0.97km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry D Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6264 7221
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill16
Notes: Cairn D. 1st of line of cairns D-E-F. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 6264 7221
Distance: 0.91km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry E Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 62653 72215
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill17
Notes: Cairn E. 2nd of line of cairns D-E-F. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 62653 72215
Distance: 0.90km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry F Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6267 7222
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill18
Notes: Cairn F. 3rd of line of cairns D-E-F. Part of cairn cemetry consisting of 8 reported 8 cairns, see master record SiteID 4068 (MDV18401)
Nearby sites: SX 6267 7222
Distance: 0.89km

Down Ridge N Round House

OS Map: SX 6493 7218
HER: MDV26144
ShortName: HT:Down Ridg5
Nearby sites: SX 6493 7218
Distance: 1.38km

Down Ridge N Round House

OS Map: SX 6494 7220
HER: MDV26144
ShortName: HT:Down Ridg6
Nearby sites: SX 6494 7220
Distance: 1.39km

Down Ridge N Round House

OS Map: SX 65432 72360
HER: MDV27268
ShortName: HT:Down Ridg8
Nearby sites: SX 65432 72360
Distance: 1.90km

Down Ridge N Round House

OS Map: SX 653 723
HER: MDV54387
ShortName: HT:Down Ridg9
Nearby sites: SX 653 723
Distance: 1.76km

Royal Hill E. Cairn Cemetry (master record - duplicate) Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 6265 7227
HER: MDV18401
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill10
Notes: "Centred at SX62657227. Group of prehistoric cairns in a row running approx south-west to north-east.
Cairn A. The most northerly is crest-sited as you approach uphill from the south, with concave centre. Approximately 4.0 metres in diameter, Maximum height of 0.4 metres with a 2.0 metre length of wall attached to the south-west. Cairn B. The second cairn 33 metres to the south-west of A is 2.0 metres in diameter. Cairn C. 46 metres south-west of B is positioned against a natural boulder and measures 4.0 metres maximum diameter. Cairn D is located approximately 77 metres south-east of C. Oval, measuring 3.0 by 2.0 metres. Cairn E is 18 metres south-east of Cairn D and is 2.5 metres in diameter. Cairn F is 13 metres south-east of E and measures 3.0 metres in diameter."

"Centred SX 62597223. Eight scattered small turf-covered cairns lie on a SE hillslope at 360m OD on moorland pasture in an area cleared of surface stone except for large earthfast boulders. Mostly oval-shaped and rather ragged they are of compacted stones with some built against large earthfast boulders. There are no traces of formal construction.

The largest cairn, at SX 62607226, is 4.6m by 3.8m and 0.4m high with a disturbed centre and stone spill. The line of four cairns between SX 62597223 and SX 62587219 vary from 2.6m by 2.2m and 0.3m high to 3.5m in diameter and 0.5m high. The row of three cairns between.

SX 62647221 and SX 62677222 are from 2.5m by 2.0m and 0.3m high to 3.5m by 2.5m and 0.45m high.
They are almost certainly clearance cairns possibly of prehistoric origin as suggested by Greeves"
NB. SiteID=3021 MDV18403, reported cist with wall connected to it - this is very close to this group of 8 and could perhaps be one of them. However, the Probert & M. J. Fletcher (Report - Survey) SDV350839 tends to suggest it is a 9th separate feature.
Nearby sites: SX 6265 7227
Distance: 0.91km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63574 72122
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 1
Nearby sites: SX 63574 72122
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63480 71893
HER: MDV12966
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 2
Nearby sites: SX 63480 71893
Distance: 0.25km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63544 72100
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 3
Nearby sites: SX 63544 72100
Distance: 0.03km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63523 72150
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 4
Nearby sites: SX 63523 72150
Distance: 0.04km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63544 72147
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 5
Nearby sites: SX 63544 72147
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63568 72102
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 6
Nearby sites: SX 63568 72102
Distance: 0.03km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63541 72146
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 7
Nearby sites: SX 63541 72146
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63537 72149
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 8
Nearby sites: SX 63537 72149
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63564 72140
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 9
Nearby sites: SX 63564 72140
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63969 72145
HER: MDV26140
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 10
Nearby sites: SX 63969 72145
Distance: 0.42km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63573 72135
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 11
Nearby sites: SX 63573 72135
Distance: 0.02km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63568 72171
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 12
Nearby sites: SX 63568 72171
Distance: 0.05km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63814 72057
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 13
Nearby sites: SX 63814 72057
Distance: 0.27km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63480 71918
HER: MDV12966
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 14
Nearby sites: SX 63480 71918
Distance: 0.22km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63695 72071
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 15
Nearby sites: SX 63695 72071
Distance: 0.16km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63491 71960
HER: MDV12966
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 16
Nearby sites: SX 63491 71960
Distance: 0.18km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63567 72109
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 17
Nearby sites: SX 63567 72109
Distance: 0.03km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63581 72139
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 18
Nearby sites: SX 63581 72139
Distance: 0.03km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 64038 72118
HER: MDV26140
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 19
Nearby sites: SX 64038 72118
Distance: 0.49km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63785 72072
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 20
Nearby sites: SX 63785 72072
Distance: 0.24km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 64052 71826
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 21
Nearby sites: SX 64052 71826
Distance: 0.59km

Sherberton Round House

OS Map: SX 6399 7371
HER: MDV54479
ShortName: HT:Sherberto1
Nearby sites: SX 6399 7371
Distance: 1.64km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63557 72134
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 22
Nearby sites: SX 63557 72134
Distance: 0.01km

Sherberton S Round House

OS Map: SX 6457 7288
HER: MDV54407
ShortName: HT:Sherberto2
Nearby sites: SX 6457 7288
Distance: 1.27km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63563 72158
HER: MDV26081
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 23
Nearby sites: SX 63563 72158
Distance: 0.03km

Sherberton SW Round House

OS Map: SX 64224 72317
HER: MDV78793
ShortName: HT:Sherberto3
Nearby sites: SX 64224 72317
Distance: 0.70km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 63757 72062
HER: MDV6293
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 24
Nearby sites: SX 63757 72062
Distance: 0.22km

Ter Hill N Round House

OS Map: SX 64042 72154
HER: MDV26140
ShortName: HT:Ter Hill 25
Nearby sites: SX 64042 72154
Distance: 0.49km

Down Ridge Stone Circle

Down Ridge Stone Circle

OS Map: SX 65516 72084
HER: MDV6400
Megalithic Portal: 863
PMD: Down Ridge Stone Circle
ShortName: SC DownRidge
DPD page: 92
Turner: G9
Notes: Also known as Hexworthy Circle. "situated on a gentle north facing slope overlooking the valley of the River Dart. The stone circle measures 25 meters in diameter and is denoted by five upright granite slabs, standing up to 1.45 meters high, which are confined to its south western sector. A further six recumbent stones lie where they have fallen. The stone circle was partially excavated in 1904 by the Dartmoor Exploration Committee and their work revealed the original ground surface covered with charcoal. An associated outlying standing stone is located 85 meters south-east of the stone circle and survives as a triangular shaped block up to 0.86 meters high." [HER MDV6400]. For photos of this site, see: Megalithic Portal: Down Ridge - Stone Circle
Nearby sites: SX 65516 72084
Distance: 1.97km

Fox Tor Newtake, North Cist

Fox Tor Newtake, North Cist

OS Map: SX 62861 71177
HER: MDV6303
Megalithic Portal: 45677
PMD: Ter Hill N.
Alternate name: Ter Hill N.W.1 Cist
ShortName: CT FoxTorNew N
Butler map: 64.3.1
DPD page: 93
Grinsell: LYD 97
Barrow Report: 24 56
Notes: "The cist is 0.6m deep and 1.2m long, the NW end is 0.4m wide and SE end 0.6m wide; the NW end-slab, said by Burnard (1905)to be wedged in the bottom cannot be seen. The coverstone, resting on the NE side, is 1.6m by 1.3m at its extremeties". Lethbridge diagram (Cist A) and photo p.93. Butler Ter Hill N.W. 1 - Vol. 4. Map 64.3 (diagram p. 219).
Nearby sites: SX 62861 71177
Distance: 1.18km

Fox Tor Newtake, South Cist

Fox Tor Newtake, South Cist

OS Map: SX 62864 70964
HER: MDV6279
Megalithic Portal: 45678
PMD: Ter Hill S.
Alternate name: Ter Hill N.W.2 Cist
ShortName: CT FoxTorNew S
Butler map: 64.3.2
DPD page: 94
Grinsell: LYD 98
Barrow Report: 24 56
Notes: "The turf-covered cairn is, at maximum, 3.9m in diameter and 0.3m in height. The cist, oriented NW/SE, is approximately 1.3m by 0.55m, and 0.75m deep, and now almost hidden by the SW side stone which has fallen inwards. The NE end stone is not evident but an 0.7m high upright granite post retains part of the mound on this NE side. There is no trace of the coverstone". Lethbridge diagram p.93 (Cist B), top photos p.94. Butler Ter Hill N.W. 2 - Vol. 4. Map 64.3 (diagram p.219).
Nearby sites: SX 62864 70964
Distance: 1.35km

Joan Ford's Newtake Cairn Circle

Joan Ford's Newtake Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 63033 72172
HER: MDV6261
Megalithic Portal: 3296
Alternate name: Joan Ford's Newtake 2 Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Joan Fords
Butler map: 63.3.2
Grinsell: LYD 91
Turner: G22
Barrow Report: 30
Notes: "A stone circle with six identifiable erect or leaning stones. One forms the E post of the gateway, the west post, 7ft high, stands outside the circumference. It is because of its small diameter, without doubt a retaining circle; any internal features such as a central hollow or possible kistvean have been obliterated by the wall builders." Turner Stone Circle G22. Bar Rep 30.
Nearby sites: SX 63033 72172
Distance: 0.58km

Joan Ford's Newtake Embanked Cairn Circle and Cist

Joan Ford's Newtake Embanked Cairn Circle and Cist

OS Map: SX 63143 72168
HER: MDV6260
Megalithic Portal: 3295
PMD: Joan Ford's Newtake
Alternate name: Joan Ford's Newtake 1 Embanked Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Joan Fords
Butler map: 63.3.1
DPD page: 99
Grinsell: LYD 92
Turner: B7
Barrow Report: 30 56
Notes: "A low kerb within the disturbed fringes of the mound is 8.7m in diameter with more or less continuous upright slabs and boulders 0.3m to 0.6m high. A dry stone newtake wall crosses the N side and overlies part of the kerb. A well-preserved cist, oriented NW-SE, is internally 1.0m long, 0.5m to 0.65m wide and up to 0.7m deep. The coverstone leans against the SE side of the cist and measures 1.35m by 1.0m by 0.2." Lethbridge diagram p.99, photo bottom p.99. Butler Joan Ford's Newtake 1 - Vol. 4. Map 63.3 (diagram p.214).
Nearby sites: SX 63143 72168
Distance: 0.41km

Joan Ford's Newtake Stone Row

Joan Ford's Newtake Stone Row

OS Map: SX 63183 71987
HER: MDV6375
Megalithic Portal: 1985
The Stone Rows of GB: Joan Fords Newtake
PMD: Joan Ford's Newtake
ShortName: SR Joan Fords
Notes: Stone Rows of great Britain states: "A probable single stone row measuring 7.27m long, including at least three large-sized upright orthostats and two recumbent slabs situated on a gentle south east facing slope. The stones stand up to between 1.55m and 1.23m high, arranged in height order with the tallest at the east. The row is orientated ENE to NSW and has restricted views of several skyline cairns and surrounding landscape."
Nearby sites: SX 63183 71987
Distance: 0.39km

Royal Hill Cairn

OS Map: SX 61817 71957
HER: MDV6310
Megalithic Portal: 34957
Alternate name: Royal Hill E.1 Cairn
ShortName: CN:RoyalHill 1
Butler map: 65.5.1
Grinsell: LYD 93
Notes: "This impressive disturbed turf-covered cairn on the summit area of Royal Hill at 394m OD. It measures 16.4m (N-S) by 15.6m (E-W) with a maximum height of 1.8m. The flattish top has an off-centre pit 4.5m by 2.4m and 0.8m deep with some upcast material dumped around the top edge. Damage to the perimeter, reported in 1982 (8), has mostly been reinstated. The cairn is variously named Broken Barrow, Broken Barrows and Brokenborough"
Nearby sites: SX 61817 71957
Distance: 1.74km

Royal Hill, Central Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Royal Hill, Central Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

OS Map: SX 62082 72334
HER: MDV6304
Megalithic Portal: 34960
PMD: Royal Hill E.
Alternate name: Royal Hill E.4 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT RoyalHill 4
Butler map: 65.5.4
DPD page: 98
Grinsell: LYD 89
Turner: E21
Barrow Report: 27 47
Notes: "The cairn has an overall diameter of about 7.5m in diameter, and 0.6m high, with a flattish top. There are traces of an inner kerb 4.5m in diameter, and an outer one 5.7m across comprising boulders and slabs, the largest 1.5m long, 0.6m high, and 0.2m thick. The interior of the central cist is about 0.8m square with four stones up to 0.25m thick and 0.6m deep but the southern one overlaps the sides, is 1m long, and gives the cist its NW to SE alignment. This and the two end stones incline inwards; the northern one inclines slightly outwards. There is no cover stone." Lethbridge diagram p.97 Cist B, photo p.98. Turner E21 - listed as Royal Hill (N) [n.b. we have a south, central & north - N being a different cist]. Butler Royal Hill E. 4 (Cairn 4 - diagram p.233) - Vol. 4. Map 65.5.
Nearby sites: SX 62082 72334
Distance: 1.48km

Royal Hill, North Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Royal Hill, North Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

OS Map: SX 62108 72434
HER: MDV6305
Megalithic Portal: 34959
PMD: Royal Hill NE.
Alternate name: Royal Hill E.5 Ring Setting Cairn and Cist
ShortName: CT RoyalHill 5
Butler map: 65.5.5
DPD page: 98
Grinsell: LYD 90
Turner: D21
Barrow Report: 27 47
Notes: "The circle is 3.1m in overall diameter, comprising nine contiguous thick slabs, up to 0.9m long and from 0.3m to 0.7m high... There is virtually no cairn material but the interior has been levelled up to a height of 0.1m on the E, downhill side. A central cist oriented WNW to ESE is represented by two side stones which protrude 0.15m above ground. They are 1.2m and 0.9m long and both about 0.2m thick and 0.4m deep. The longer, northern one leans inwards and touches the other at the W end; at the E the stones are 0.8m apart separated by two flat (packing ?) stones each about 0.35m across. An overgrown and embedded slab against the circle W if the cist may have been an end stone." Lethbridge diagram p.97 Cist C, photo p.98. Butler Royal Hill E. 5 (Cairn 5 - diagram p.233)- Vol. 4. Map 65.5. Central cist.
Nearby sites: SX 62108 72434
Distance: 1.47km

Royal Hill, South Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Royal Hill, South Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

OS Map: SX 62020 72091
HER: MDV6309
Megalithic Portal: 34958
PMD: Royal Hill SE.
Alternate name: Royal Hill E.3 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT RoyalHill 3
Butler map: 65.5.3
DPD page: 98
Grinsell: LYD 88
Turner: E31
Barrow Report: 27 47
Notes: "The cairn is 4.9m in diameter and 0.4m high with a flattish, platform, top. It is retained by a kerb of almost contiguous orthostats, the largest 1.1m long, 0.2m thick, and 0.6m high. A few are fallen or displaced. The central cist is oriented WNW to ESE, lacking both coverstone and N side slab. Internally it measures 1.35m by 0.75m by 0.55m deep." Lethbridge diagram p.97 Cist A, photo p.98. Butler Royal Hill E. 3 - Vol. 4. Map 65.5 (Cairn 3 - diagram p.233).
Nearby sites: SX 62020 72091
Distance: 1.53km

Sherberton Stone Row

Sherberton Stone Row

OS Map: SX 63948 73349
HER: MDV6426
Megalithic Portal: 6333470
The Stone Rows of GB: Sherberton Row
PMD: Sherberton Stone Row
Alternate name: Sherberton Row Stone Row
ShortName: SR Sherberton
Butler Vol 5: p.211 & Fig.148
DPD page: 100
Notes: The Sherberton double row was discovered in 1997. It is an unimpressive double row of small stones a short distance north-west of the Sherberton Circle. For a plan see Butler Vol. 5 p. 210-12. Lethbridge pp.99-100, diagram p.99 and p.100.
Nearby sites: SX 63948 73349
Distance: 1.28km

Sherberton Stone Circle

Sherberton Stone Circle

OS Map: SX 63946 73187
HER: MDV6290
Megalithic Portal: 1252
PMD: Sherberton Stone Circle
ShortName: SC Sherberton
DPD page: 101
Turner: G5
Notes: Remains of a 97 ft diameter stone circle with a stone wall passing through its western side. "Nine of the original stones are still standing, plus one larger stone which is incorporated in the remains of the old wall which bisects the western extremity of the circle. This stone appears to have been removed from the original circumference, and its height is 1.4m. The remaining nine stones range in height from 0.3m to 0.75m. The original circle appears to have been c. 30m across, although no stones appear to the west of the old wall. The length of the 2 fallen stones at the southern end is 2.6m and 2.4m". For a photo of this site, see: Megalithic Portal: Sherberton circle. Lethbridge p.101, diagram p.99 and p.100.
Nearby sites: SX 63946 73187
Distance: 1.13km

Swincombe Ford Newtake 1 Cist

Swincombe Ford Newtake 1 Cist

OS Map: SX 63330 72988
HER: MDV54431
Megalithic Portal: 42665
PMD: Swincombe Ford Newtake
ShortName: CT Swincombe 1
Butler map: 63.5.1
DPD page: 99
Notes: Butler Vol. 4. Map 63.5 (diagram p.215). "A robbed cist within a cairn on a gently sloping NE-facing moorland hillside. A stoney cairn 6.0m N-S by 5.5m E-W and 0.3m high contains the cist, approximately 0.8m wide, 0.3m deep and of indeterminate length and orientation. The capstone, 1.4m by 1.3m largely obscures the cist, with only the ?NE end stone being visible." Lethbridge diagram p.99 photo top of p.99.
Nearby sites: SX 63330 72988
Distance: 0.89km

Tor Royal (newtake) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Tor Royal (newtake) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 62974 72262
HER: MDV18388
Megalithic Portal: 45831
Alternate name: Joan Ford's Newtake N.3 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Tor Royal
Butler map: 63.3
Turner: A18
Notes: "Disturbed ring cairn consisting of a stone ring 8.0 meters in diameter internally with bank 1.0 meter wide and 0.2 meters high." This feature was previously listed here at SX 62939 72246 but that is the location of the nearby cairn to the east of this ring cairn. This record has been updated with SX 62974 72262 from a visit on 04/09/23.
Nearby sites: SX 62974 72262
Distance: 0.59km

Page last updated 18/02/24