The GPS datasets available on this page are snapshots taken of the information stored in the Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks database. The listings include all known visible stone circles, stone rows and cists and cairns. Sites that have been destroyed, or are no longer visible or are very doubtful are generally excluded from this dataset but are available on request. Data for round houses is not included here but is available on request. The website did not originally attempt to cover all prehistoric sites but significant work has been done on this in recent years and the listings are now much more complete and incorporates all major listings previously published from Grinsell and Jeremy Butler to the Historic Environment Records. Datasets managed by other people, such as the HER data will change and evolve over time and this author suggests any researchers need to double check the HER as the data here was based on a snapshot a few years ago.
Below are listed annual, or twice annual, datasets in YYMM format (by Year and Month). The data has come together through years of research although much of it is taken from published books and papers. Many of the grid references are checked against Google satellite or by site visit with a Garmin GPS device. These will be accurate to within 3 to 5 metres. The figures taken from various academic texts will at best be accurate to only within 10 meters and quite often to only 100m. Finally, most of these sites are within the Dartmoor National Park and as such are accessible, unless they are on firing ranges in which case you need to check whether firing is taking place. A few however are on private land and no right of access is implied by their inclusion in these listings - check the Dartmoor OL 28 Explorer Map for access rights.
A snapsot of the data is availble from 2017 as a google map:
We use the convention of naming versions as YYMM. All of the data will appear in your GPS device or in MapSource with a name which is restricted to 14 characters. Each name will have a two character suffix such as "SR:" for example "SR:ShaughMoor" means Shaugh Moor Stone Row. The third character indicates the stus of the site "?" means questionable and "x" means probably destroyed or not in existence. These suffixes are:
The third character indicates the status of the site ":" means known and exists. "?" means questionable and "x" means probably destroyed or not in existence. Examples of these suffixes are:
As of July 2022 the third character has been changed to also indicate whether the site is recorded in the database with a photo and presumed accurate grid reference. This is to help with field visits to know when sites are already recorded with details and how accurate they might be.
The May 2024 dataset builds on previous datasets with the latest additions and refinements. It also includes for the first time a list of Iron Age Devon Hillforts which covers locations outside of Dartmoor.
This list includes 1875 sites and excludes most round houses which are approx another 4000 records which is beyond the capability of the authors Garmin! Older datasets are no longer listed here except old listings by site type.The Jan 2024 dataset builds on previous datasets with the latest additions and refinements. This list includes 1759 sites and excludes most round houses which are approx another 4000 records which is beyond the capability of the authors Garmin! Older datasets are no longer listed here except old listings by site type.
If your device can cope with 1759 entries then use the Jan 2024 data above otherwise if you want smaller datasets these older versions are available.
Last updated in May 2019
Last updated in May 2019
Last updated in August 2017
Some text to follow here ...
Page last updated 25/12/23