Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Prehistoric sites within 2km of SX 52910 74990

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

Search for sites near-by OS Grid Reference

About the database listings: In all listings clicking on the photo or the site name will open a page for the site with a larger photo and further details from the database. The database now has over 6680 records covering nearly all publicly listed sites on Dartmoor including around 4800 round houses. This level of detail is of interest to archaeologists but tends to swamp listings of sites more likely to be of interest for walkers. For this reason, the listings default to around 550 core sites only. These are the stone circles, stone rows and the ring cairns listed by Turner. The default search radius is 2 km. The controls below the map can be used to start a new search by entering a 6- or 8-digit reference (without the prefix "SX"). The search radius can be specified and you can add incremental Display layers of detail on top of the core sites. If using a more detailed layer you will need to decrease the search radius to avoid getting hundreds of search results.

These listings have incorporated, matched up and merged all of the records from all of the major archaeological listings including: Worth, Grinsell, Turner, Butler, Bill Radcliffe, Sandy Gerrard, Megalithic Portal, the National Monument Records and the Historic Environment Records. The author would like to thank Bill, Sandy, the lovely people both at Megalithic Portal (especially Anne Tate who did an amazing job to link listings) and at ACE Archaeology for collaborative work over the years to synchronise and correct listings across the various websites which now interlink. A culmination of years of work the final merger of cairn records took 3 months of cross referencing in 2017 the result being a snapshot of the records at that time. This data has in turn been refined since by field work and research. The round house data was supplied by Sandy Gerrard. Grid references are in order of accuracy: from Google Earth satellite, if visible and found, from a Garmin GPS reading, if visited by the author and from the literature otherwise. Individual site pages will state the source of the grid reference and provide satellite imagery. If a site listing lacks a photo it has not yet been visited by the author in which case the grid reference is from the literature.

Currently the database only includes sites which can be represented by a grid reference. Reaves are not included as they require GIS shape technology which is beyond the current capability of this system. To see the sources for the records, look at the tables on the resources menu. The database listings can also be viewed on a Google map and downloaded as GPS datasets for Garmin devices.

Corrections, or any feedback or suggestions are very welcome, email:

NOTE: Clicking on the icons for each monument in the map will give the name of the site. You can zoom in and out and drag the map around.

List of sites within 2km of SX 52910 74990

Whitchurch Common S. Reported Cairn

Whitchurch Common S. Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 53032 74954
HER: MDV48865
ShortName: CN?Whitchurch6
Grinsell: WHI 1
Turner: A19
Barrow Report: 39
Notes: Hut Circle or ring cairn? This is probably the cairn referred to by Worth in Barrow Report 39 (not the cist on the southern slope of barn Hill).

It has been difficult to match up these three sites. The listings on this website can be matched in a coherent fashion to those on the HER and there is no doubt on those matches. However, matching records to the actual features is proving difficult. On 09/09/23 I took photos of 3 features and for the purpose of these listings I will refer to them as "northern", "western" and "southern". That clearly defines what i recorded and photographed. However, I'm not certain I have the right records matched and it may take a further site visit to unentangle this.
1. "northern" provisionally matched to SiteID=541 HER record: 4115
2. "western" provisionally matched to SiteID=2509 HER record: 48866
3. "southern" provisionally matched to SiteID=2563 HER record: 48865
NB. This site is identified as "southern" and grid reference and photo reflect this
Nearby sites: SX 53032 74954
Distance: 0.13km

Cox Tor S.E.10 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 531 761
HER: MDV49831
ShortName: CN?Cox Tor 10
Notes: Clearance cairn? "clearance cairn defining ne corner of enclosure. Diam 5.5m, height 0.8m. May have been used as initial marking out point, or may have been built over the corner of an existing enclosure (mpp)." The author could find nothing at SX 531 761 but as it is a 6 digit grid reference it could be over 100 metres out.No sign of enclosure walls at the grid reference - maybe this is some distance to the south.
Nearby sites: SX 531 761
Distance: 1.13km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5290 7581
HER: MDV26283
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor1
Nearby sites: SX 5290 7581
Distance: 0.82km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 52875 75828
HER: MDV103658
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor2
Nearby sites: SX 52875 75828
Distance: 0.84km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 53330 76089
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor3
Nearby sites: SX 53330 76089
Distance: 1.18km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 53273 76118
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor4
Nearby sites: SX 53273 76118
Distance: 1.18km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5322 7607
HER: MDV53078
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor5
Nearby sites: SX 5322 7607
Distance: 1.12km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5264 7625
HER: MDV28513
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor6
Nearby sites: SX 5264 7625
Distance: 1.29km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5373 7603
HER: MDV4110
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor7
Nearby sites: SX 5373 7603
Distance: 1.32km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5282 7590
HER: MDV4131
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor8
Nearby sites: SX 5282 7590
Distance: 0.91km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 531 761
HER: MDV49711
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor9
Nearby sites: SX 531 761
Distance: 1.13km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5308 7597
HER: MDV28511
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor10
Nearby sites: SX 5308 7597
Distance: 0.99km

Cox Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 5284 7599
HER: MDV49833
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor11
Nearby sites: SX 5284 7599
Distance: 1.00km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53624 76462
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N1
Nearby sites: SX 53624 76462
Distance: 1.64km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53530 76389
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N2
Nearby sites: SX 53530 76389
Distance: 1.53km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53497 76810
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N3
Nearby sites: SX 53497 76810
Distance: 1.91km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53563 76486
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N4
Nearby sites: SX 53563 76486
Distance: 1.63km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53537 76363
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N5
Nearby sites: SX 53537 76363
Distance: 1.51km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5351 7673
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N6
Nearby sites: SX 5351 7673
Distance: 1.84km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53515 76843
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N7
Nearby sites: SX 53515 76843
Distance: 1.95km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53580 76543
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N8
Nearby sites: SX 53580 76543
Distance: 1.69km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53528 76430
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N9
Nearby sites: SX 53528 76430
Distance: 1.57km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53589 76605
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N10
Nearby sites: SX 53589 76605
Distance: 1.75km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53603 76436
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N11
Nearby sites: SX 53603 76436
Distance: 1.60km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53540 76791
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N12
Nearby sites: SX 53540 76791
Distance: 1.91km

Cox Tor 11 (PET 37b) Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 530 761
HER: MDV4108
ShortName: CN?Cox Tor 11
Grinsell: PET 37b
Notes: Mentioned by Breton 1912. NMR refers to clearance cairns SE of Cox Tor and cites Grinsell who is referring back to Baring-Gould. "Cox tor. On southern slope of tor is a cluster of cairns, sepulchral. Five definitely cairns and a number of other doubtful mounds. Two examined. Originally circular, composed of earth and stones. Nothing found.(baring-gould)." This very much sounds like a description of cairns 8 & 9 which are to the SE of cox tor and were excavated by the Dartmoor Exploration Committee. This grid reference is comparatively to the west and is probably wrong. This record is being marked as a duplicate for this reason, see Cox Tor 8 and Cox Tor 9.
Nearby sites: SX 530 761
Distance: 1.11km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53602 76457
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N13
Nearby sites: SX 53602 76457
Distance: 1.62km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53602 76624
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N14
Nearby sites: SX 53602 76624
Distance: 1.77km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5353 7683
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N15
Nearby sites: SX 5353 7683
Distance: 1.94km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53578 76456
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N16
Nearby sites: SX 53578 76456
Distance: 1.61km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5353 7678
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N17
Nearby sites: SX 5353 7678
Distance: 1.89km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5361 7650
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N18
Nearby sites: SX 5361 7650
Distance: 1.66km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5354 7656
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N19
Nearby sites: SX 5354 7656
Distance: 1.69km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53613 76411
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N20
Nearby sites: SX 53613 76411
Distance: 1.59km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53545 76379
HER: MDV4105
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N21
Nearby sites: SX 53545 76379
Distance: 1.53km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 5350 7677
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N22
Nearby sites: SX 5350 7677
Distance: 1.88km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53507 76688
HER: MDV48242
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N23
Nearby sites: SX 53507 76688
Distance: 1.80km

Cox Tor NE Round House

OS Map: SX 53475 76825
HER: MDV4124
ShortName: HT:Cox Tor N24
Nearby sites: SX 53475 76825
Distance: 1.92km

Vixen Tor 2 Cairn

Vixen Tor 2 Cairn

OS Map: SX 54115 74445
HER: MDV35898
ShortName: CN Vixen Tor1
Butler map: 44.10.2
Notes: The HER grid reference is SX 54130 74460
Nearby sites: SX 54115 74445
Distance: 1.32km

Barn Hill N.E. Cairn

Barn Hill N.E. Cairn

OS Map: SX 53442 75013
HER: MDV63573
ShortName: CN Barn Hill1
Butler map: 44.10.4
Notes: Possibly NMR 1359050. "Despoiled prehistoric barrow on the east side of barn hill just to the west of the streamwork. The top of the monument has recently been dug into "
Nearby sites: SX 53442 75013
Distance: 0.53km

Whitchurch Common E. Cairn

OS Map: SX 54141 74887
HER: MDV64833
ShortName: CN:Whitchurch2
Butler map: 44.10.5
Notes: "Diam 6m, height 0.9m. A number of large stones protrude through the surface of the mound, which appears to be intact having escaped antiquarian investigation. Lies within extensive coaxial field system which is the subject of separate schedulings"
Nearby sites: SX 54141 74887
Distance: 1.24km

Cox Tor N.4 Cairn

Cox Tor N.4 Cairn

OS Map: SX 53032 76347
HER: MDV4191
ShortName: CN Cox Tor N4
Butler map: 31.1.4
Grinsell: PET 37
Nearby sites: SX 53032 76347
Distance: 1.36km

Cox Tor N.7 Cairn

Cox Tor N.7 Cairn

OS Map: SX 53053 76495
HER: MDV49710
ShortName: CN Cox Tor N7
Butler map: 31.1.7
Nearby sites: SX 53053 76495
Distance: 1.51km

Cox Tor S.E.8 Cairn

Cox Tor S.E.8 Cairn

OS Map: SX 53206 76138
HER: MDV28512
ShortName: CN Cox Tor SE8
Butler map: 31.1.8
Notes: Butler lists a pair of two small cairns south of the tor; cairn 8 at SX 5316 7613 and cairn 9 at SX 5318 7614. The author visited this area and found two possible cairns that could match the pair are located around 30-40 metres to the north-east. These match very closely to the NGR given by the the HER for SX 53210 76180 (HER 28512) and SX 53203 76131 (56607). It is impossible to say whether these are the cairns mentioned by Butler or not but these two records assume that is the case and use the grid references of the sites photographed. Butler writes: "The [Dartmoor Exploration] Committee then dug into two small cairns 60 m south of the tor, in neither of which was anything found. These were part of a small cairnfield with five to seven members but only two are easily identifiable south-east of the to, 8 and 9." This area is covered in periglacial mounds which adds to the confusing picture of this area and the author was unable to find anything else that looked man-made. NB. Grinsell's PET 37b probably relates to these two cairns.
Nearby sites: SX 53206 76138
Distance: 1.19km

Cox Tor S.E.9 Cairn

Cox Tor S.E.9 Cairn

OS Map: SX 53228 76174
ShortName: CN Cox Tor SE9
Butler map: 31.1.9
Notes: Butler lists a pair of two small cairns south of the tor; cairn 8 at SX 5316 7613 and cairn 9 at SX 5318 7614. The author visited this area and found two possible cairns that could match the pair are located around 30-40 metres to the north-east. These match very closely to the NGR given by the the HER for SX 53210 76180 (HER 28512) and SX 53203 76131 (56607). It is impossible to say whether these are the cairns mentioned by Butler or not but these two records assume that is the case and use the grid references of the sites photographed. Butler writes: "The [Dartmoor Exploration] Committee then dug into two small cairns 60 m south of the tor, in neither of which was anything found. These were part of a small cairnfield with five to seven members but only two are easily identifiable south-east of the to, 8 and 9." This area is covered in periglacial mounds which adds to the confusing picture of this area and the author was unable to find anything else that looked man-made. NB. Grinsell's PET 37b probably relates to these two cairns.

UPDATE 31/12/2022. The HER record MDV56607 that this used to link to has been deleted. The record originates with Butler and has possibly located so this record will be retained (see photo).
Nearby sites: SX 53228 76174
Distance: 1.23km

Cox Tor Summit (duplicate) Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 5305 7618
HER: MDV4151
ShortName: CN:Cox Tor S5
Butler map: 31.1.3
Notes: Duplicate of NMR 439836
Nearby sites: SX 5305 7618
Distance: 1.20km

Middle Staple Tor Round House

OS Map: SX 54044 75631
HER: MDV28509
ShortName: HT:Middle St1
Nearby sites: SX 54044 75631
Distance: 1.30km

Whitchurch Common 4 Cairn

OS Map: SX 5370 7493
HER: MDV63574
ShortName: CN:Whitchurch4
Notes: Ring cairn c18m diameter surviving as a circular earthwork bank c30cm high on the hillside to the east of the streamwork. Part of the bank has been disturbed by a rectangular hollow which may be the remains of a later building (newman).
Nearby sites: SX 5370 7493
Distance: 0.79km

Whitchurch Common 5 Reported Cairn

Whitchurch Common 5 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 53496 75192
HER: MDV56594
ShortName: CN Whitchurch5
Notes: This record originates as a cairn reported in the old NMR listings. It is very likely a round house. The HER entry 56594 relates to round houses and the entry lists 3 items but also includes an NGR (SX 5349 7518) which matches this feature. In these listings we also have a round house listed as SiteID=5112 (HER=56594). The HER entry includes round houses which are apparently over 100m away from this feature and for that reason we will not treat that entry as a duplicate as it represents different unique features.
Nearby sites: SX 53496 75192
Distance: 0.62km

Whitchurch Common 3 Cairn

Whitchurch Common 3 Cairn

OS Map: SX 53004 74984
HER: MDV48866
ShortName: CN Whitchurch3
Turner: B10
Notes: "A 2m wide rubble bank containing a large number of edge set stones. Bank is up to 0.6m high, surrounding an area of 6.6m diam. A 3m wide, 0.1m deep ditch surrounds the bank. Lies within extensive coaxial field system".
Nearby sites: SX 53004 74984
Distance: 0.09km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52885 74615
HER: MDV12822
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc1
Nearby sites: SX 52885 74615
Distance: 0.38km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52875 74565
HER: MDV25921
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc2
Nearby sites: SX 52875 74565
Distance: 0.43km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52855 74655
HER: MDV12822
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc3
Nearby sites: SX 52855 74655
Distance: 0.34km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52895 74615
HER: MDV12822
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc4
Nearby sites: SX 52895 74615
Distance: 0.38km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52915 74765
HER: MDV25916
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc5
Nearby sites: SX 52915 74765
Distance: 0.23km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 52895 74585
HER: MDV12822
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc6
Nearby sites: SX 52895 74585
Distance: 0.41km

Whitchurch Common Round House

OS Map: SX 5291 7499
HER: MDV25918
ShortName: HT:Whitchurc7
Nearby sites: SX 5291 7499
Distance: 0.00km

Beckamoor Combe Round House

OS Map: SX 5359 7520
HER: MDV56594
ShortName: HT:Beckamoor1
Notes: See SiteID=4279 which also relates to the HER=56594. This entry is not a duplicate as the HER entry includes round houses a 100 metres away from teh feature at SiteID=4279.
Nearby sites: SX 5359 7520
Distance: 0.71km

Beckamoor Combe Round House

OS Map: SX 5345 7554
HER: MDV26286
ShortName: HT:Beckamoor2
Nearby sites: SX 5345 7554
Distance: 0.77km

Barn Hill Cist

Barn Hill Cist

OS Map: SX 53318 74558
HER: MDV14685
Megalithic Portal: 45785
PMD: Barn Hill
Alternate name: Barn Hill S. Cist
ShortName: CT Barn Hill
Butler map: 44.10.3
DPD page: 15
Grinsell: WHI 3
Notes: "The cairn mound measures 5.7 metres in diameter and stands up to 0.2 metres high. The cist lies slightly south of the cairn's centre and survives as a 0.98 metre long by 0.6 metre wide and 0.3 metre deep stone-lined pit". Possibly described in Barrow report 39 although refers to somethign on the norterhen side of barn Hill and this is on the southern. Butler Barn Hill S. - Vol. 3. Map 44.10.3. (diagram p.34). Previously listed with an inaccurate grid reference. Now found at SX 53318 74558. The photo was taken in the heatwave of Sept 2023 unfortunately I got sunblock on the lens - a better photo will be uploaded when i next visit. The grid reference is now accurate.
Nearby sites: SX 53318 74558
Distance: 0.59km

Cox Tor Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Cox Tor Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 53060 76190
HER: MDV4151
Megalithic Portal: 32104
Alternate name: Cox Tor Summit Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Cox Tor
Butler map: 31.1.3
Grinsell: PET 37a
Turner: A59
Notes: "Cox tor, ring cairn. The outcrop of granite on the summit is surrounded by an ancient wall, enclosing a space of about 21m in diameter, built of small stones. Pillaged and part used in erection of the cairn for the 1887 jubilee."
Nearby sites: SX 53060 76190
Distance: 1.21km

Cox Tor Ancient Pool

OS Map: SX 53635 76205
HER: MDV26281
ShortName: PO:Cox Tor
Notes: "Previously recorded from aerial photographs as a possible quarry. Marked as 'pond' on modern mapping and is one of the examples suggested by Greeves (2019) to potentially have Prehistoric origins."
Nearby sites: SX 53635 76205
Distance: 1.41km

Cox Tor Stone Row

OS Map: SX 5307 7618
HER: MDV12802
Megalithic Portal: 1840
PMD: Cox Tor
Alternate name: Cocks Tor Stone Row
ShortName: SRxCoxTor
Butler map: 31.1
Notes: Stone row reported by R.N. Worth in 1894 and referred to by R.H. Worth in 1953. The row is no longer visible. The NMR states: "R.N. Worth mentions, like Crossing, one stone row, while R.H.Worth notes one or more rows. These cannot be traced, and the depth of peat on the grassy plateau is so little that if the row/rows were obvious with slight shrinkage they should still be reasonably visible. Spaced stones abound, particularly towards the northern end and numerous fictitious rows of four of five stones can be deduced but nothing acceptable from any of the cairns."
Nearby sites: SX 5307 7618
Distance: 1.20km

Cox Tor (NE) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Cox Tor (NE) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 53047 76430
HER: MDV4127
Megalithic Portal: 32104
Alternate name: Cox Tor N.6 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Cox Tor NE
Butler map: 31.1.6
Grinsell: PET 36
Turner: A51
Notes: "Narrow ridge of north-south outcropping rock measuring 10 metres in diameter, surrounded by circular stoney bank 4 metres wide, 0.8 metres high. 1890 excavation showed it to consist of an outer bank with central infill of loose stones and earth. No trace of burials or artefacts." "Cox Tor. Smaller of two adjacent cairns. Lies 12.5 metres south-east of larger one (see related record). Similar in shape, though smaller; diameter 8.23 metres. Construction of centre was loose, much earth being mingled with the stone. Nothing found and no pit in the "calm"." (Baring-Gould - fifth report of the DEC)
Nearby sites: SX 53047 76430
Distance: 1.45km

Cox Tor (NW) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Cox Tor (NW) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 53024 76424
HER: MDV4128
Megalithic Portal: 32104
Alternate name: Cox Tor N.5 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Cox Tor NW
Butler map: 31.1.5
Grinsell: PET 35
Turner: A48
Notes: Possibly HER 4128.
Nearby sites: SX 53024 76424
Distance: 1.44km

Cox Tor N.E. Settlement

OS Map: SX 536 765
HER: MDV4105
Megalithic Portal: 17508
ShortName: ST:CoxTorNE
Notes: Details via Megalithic Portal.
Nearby sites: SX 536 765
Distance: 1.66km

Pew Tor (N side) Ancient Pool

OS Map: SX 53354 73597
HER: MDV127216
ShortName: PO:Pew Tor
Notes: "A pool measuring 28 by 14m. One of over 40 such 'sacred' pools identified on Dartmoor that are thought to have potentially been designed during the prehistoric period."
Nearby sites: SX 53354 73597
Distance: 1.46km

Vixen Tor Cist

Vixen Tor Cist

OS Map: SX 54240 74391
HER: MDV3596
Megalithic Portal: 29932
PMD: Vixen Tor
Alternate name: Vixen Tor 1 Cist
ShortName: CT Vixen Tor
Butler map: 44.10.1
DPD page: 15
Grinsell: WHI 2
Barrow Report: 39
Notes: "Cist and possible remains of a barrow. The east and south sides of the cist lean inwards and the north end is slightly defective. The cover stone seems to have been in two parts and it leans against the south corner of the cist. There appears to be traces of a retaining circle of barrows, three stones only, in radius of 3.0m from the centre of the cist. The condition is good. The original dimensions would, however, appear to have been 1.219m x 533mm. One side stone is 1.524m in length, and the other is over 1.372m in length. The present depth below the top of the side stones is 330mm, but excavation would probably prove this to be at least twice this." Vixen Tor has been fenced off by the current landowner. Butler Vol. 3. Map 44.10.1 (diagram p.34). See also: Legendary Dartmooor: Vixen Tor and Vixen Tor Forbidden
Nearby sites: SX 54240 74391
Distance: 1.46km

Whitchurch Common (N) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Whitchurch Common (N) Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 53020 75005
HER: MDV4115
Megalithic Portal: 3535
Alternate name: Whitchurch Common N. Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Whitchurch1
Turner: A41
Notes: Hut Circle or ring cairn? "Ring cairn with entrance. Stone ring 5.5m internal diam, with bank 1.5m wide and 0.4m high.2.5m wide entrance on ssw side" " A hut with an internal diam of 5.8m and walling 1.5m wide and 0.4m high; there is an entrance gap in the sw. This is evidently grinsell's cairn and worth's barrow.(broadly it is on the n slope of barn hill as stated by worth, but locally on the sw slope). While the structure might in isolation be construed as a cairn, the lack of any internal stone, the consistently smooth angle of the inner face of the wall and the presence of other huts and a field system militate against the worth and grinsell classifications"
Nearby sites: SX 53020 75005
Distance: 0.11km

Page last updated 18/02/24