Database entries
PDW coverage: Dartmoor Resource: Table of Devon Iron Age Forts
OS Map: SX 70510 86638
OS Source: Lidar
HER: MDV8261
Megalithic Portal: 43578
Alternate name: Nattadon
Short Name: FT:Nattadon
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: PDW
Cairn Class: No
Lidar: SX 70510 86638
Nearest Bus Stop: Chagford The Square (1.3 km) [Route: 173,178,671]
Nearby sites: SX 70510 86638
"Remains of a hillfort 200 meters south of Nattadon Farm." "Constructed in a naturally defensive situation, the earthworks appear to be the setting out stage of a bivallate hilltop fortification, similar to Hunters Tor. It appears to be constructed upon a pre-existing field system which is harder to see on the ground than on the aerial photograph. The present extent of the field system is around 12 hectares. The north-east side of outer defensive enclosure is hard to trace and may have been destroyed by tinners pits. There is no trace of an entrance visible."