Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Guide: Princetown

Guide to the Monuments on Princetown


Table of Ritual and Burial Monuments on Princetown

The following table lists the records currently in this Guide Map. For an explantion of the Guide Maps and a table of all 62 Guide Maps, follow this link: Guide List Table. Introductory text will be added to each guide list in 2025. Notes on duplication and omissions will appear below the table once checks have been finalised.

Guide #ButlerSiteIDSite NameShortNameRecord SourceMapTurnerHERPhotoUnique?Checked
13075Littaford Tor E CistCT Littaford 1RadcliffeSX6184676717 n/a YUnique1
229.11151Littaford Tor 2 Reported CairnCN Littaford 2ButlerSX6143076490 MDV52778YUnique1
3460Crockern Tor 1 CistCT CrockernNW1ButlerSX6141476055 MDV57569YUnique1
44141Crockern Tor 2 CairnCN CrockernNW2HERSX6126275987 MDV52777YUnique1
5430Beardown Farm CistCTxBeardown FmPDWSX6040075400 MDV5974NUnique1
6601Holmingbeam Cup StoneCS HolmingbeamPDWSX5948875233 MDV12807YUnique1
744.9.11384North Hessary Tor 1 CairnCN:North Hes 1ButlerSX5787774224 MDV5015NUnique1
844.9.21385North Hessary Tor 2 Reported CairnCN?North Hes 2ButlerSX5778074320 MDV131561NUnique1
944.9.31386North Hessary Tor 3 Reported CistCT?North Hes 3ButlerSX5780074200 n/a NUnique1
1035.224288Thornworthy 2 CistCT Thornworth ButlerSX5901573471E39MDV6613YUnique1
1165.1.1336Round Hill Summit 1 CistCT Roundhill 1ButlerSX6104674428 MDV6217YUnique1
1265.1.2335Round Hill Summit 2 CistCT Roundhill 2ButlerSX6116474413 MDV6257YUnique1
1365.1.31871Round Hill Summit 3 Reported CistCT?Roundhill 3ButlerSX6111074470 MDV6256NUnique1
143038Round Hill Summit 4 (site of) Reported CistCT?Roundhill 4HERSX6104674422 MDV6238NUnique1
1565.1.41872Round Hill S.1 Reported CairnCN?Roundhill SButlerSX6099074150 MDV6372NUnique1
1665.1.5334Round Hill S.2 CistCT RoundhillS2ButlerSX6091674160 MDV6248YUnique1
1765.1.6458Round Hill S.3 CistCT RoundhillS3ButlerSX6091074140 MDV6249YUnique1
184016Round Hill E.1 Reported CairnCNxRoundhillE1HERSX6170074200 MDV6240NUnique1
191873Round Hill E.2 Reported CairnCN:RoundHillE2HERSX6161074410 MDV18229NUnique1
203235Round Hill E.3 Reported CairnCN?RoundHillE3GrinsellSX6123074400 MDV6219NUnique1
213236Round Hill E.4 Reported CairnCN?RoundHillE4GrinsellSX6155074210 MDV6239NUnique1
223237Round Hill E.5 Reported CairnCN?RoundHillE5GrinsellSX6171074200 MDV6240NUnique1
231904Round Hill E Reported Stone RowSR:RoundHill EHERSX6121074390 MDV6220NUnique1
2465.31881Oakery (c.6) Cairnfield MasterCNxOakery MButlerSX5970074000 n/a NDuplicate1
252578Oakery 1 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 1GrinsellSX5975474111 MDV3792NUnique1
262579Oakery 2 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 2GrinsellSX5976474105 MDV3793NUnique1
272580Oakery 3 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 3GrinsellSX5976774096 MDV3794NUnique1
282581Oakery 4 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 4GrinsellSX5979274070 MDV3795NUnique1
292582Oakery 5 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 5GrinsellSX5979774066 MDV3796NUnique1
302583Oakery 6 Clearance CairnCNxOakery 6GrinsellSX5981574055 MDV3797NUnique1
3165.3.1331Round Hill S.E.1 CistCT Blackbrk SButlerSX6052473860 MDV6254YUnique1
3265.3.2332Round Hill S.E.2 CistCT Blackbrk WButlerSX6052273867 MDV6253YUnique1
3365.3.3333Round Hill S.E.3 CistCT Blackbrk EButlerSX6052873873 MDV6252YUnique1
3465.3.41880Round Hill S.E.4 Cairn Circle & CistCN:RoundhilSE4ButlerSX6063073960 MDV6250NUnique1
354017Blackbrook 1 Reported CairnCN:Blackbrk 1HERSX6023073870 MDV6288NUnique1
364018Blackbrook 2 Reported CairnCNxBlackbrk 2GrinsellSX6006073920 MDV6289NUnique1
373074Blackbrook (Prowse) Reported CistCT?Blackbrk 3RadcliffeSX6050073840 MDV6247NUnique1
383076Blakey Tor CairnCN:Blakey TorRadcliffeSX6115073730 MDV18419NUnique1
3965.4330Blakey Tor E. CistCT Blakey Tor ButlerSX6131273558 MDV6245YUnique1
4065.4411Blakey Tor W. CistCT BlakeyTor WButlerSX6124073551 MDV6244YUnique1
413011Bachelors Hall Reported CistCT-BachelorsNMRSX6042673665 MDV18392YUnique1

Notes on possible duplications and omissions

Littaford Tor E Cist: This feature was discovered by Tom Greeves. The record originates on Bill Radcliffe's Prehistoric Monuments of dartmoor website, quote: Long axis approx W-E . Stones visible on N, E and S sides and some stone could be felt under grass on W side. Approx. 1m x 0.5m x 0.5m depth internally. No obvious sign of cairn mound. No obvious stonecutting in vicinity. TAP Greeves (pers. comm.). The author (Dave Parks) took a photo on 20/07/2020 and recorded the location using a garmin device at SX 61846 76717, see: Littaford Tor E Cist. It looks like a plausible cist that should be listed on the HER.

North Hessary Tor 3: This record is not on the HER but it relates to a feature that Grinsell listed as untraceable. Recommend that it is not added to the HER.

NB. Prowse entries from 1901, a reminder to the author: Prowse recorded very many sites in his 1901 article The Antiquities of Ockery and Roundhill (T.D.A. Vol.33 pp.495-499). In many respects an impressive early survey but arguably he did not have the skill/knowledge of a modern archaeologist and a few of these reported features are either natural or features such as pillow mounds mistaken for cairns. Grid references from 1901 are inaccurate so these records are a bit difficult to untangle. Quite a few of the records above originate from Prowse and may require a more detailed look at a later date.

PS. These notes are to assist untangling complicated records and are neither permanent nor a criticism of the HER who do a fantastic job! The author finds it easier to systematically work through these records (2000+ of them) and add these notes, which are then to be communicated with the HER, if appropriate, it is a pragmatic way of dealing with lots of data without continually stopping and starting.

Princetown Guide Map

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

List of Ritual and Burial Monuments on Princetown

Littaford Tor E Cist

Littaford Tor E Cist

OS Map: SX 61846 76717
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
PMD: Littaford Tor E.
ShortName: CT Littaford 1
Notes: Radcliffe: "Long axis approx W-E . Stones visible on N ,E and S sides and some stone could be felt under grass on W side. Approx. 1m x 0.5m x 0.5m depth internally. No obvious sign of cairn mound. No obvious stonecutting in vicinity. TAP Greeves (pers. comm.) "
Nearby sites: SX61857672

Littaford Tor 2 Reported Cairn

Littaford Tor 2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61430 76490
NMR record: SX 67 NW 153
HER record: MDV52778
ShortName: CN Littaford 2
Butler map: 29.1
Notes: A large granite slab lies the W side and a boulder is exposed just N of the centre. These may be part of a distroyed cist, but the boulder is very irregular and looks like a natural stone in situ around which the cairn may have been built.
Nearby sites: SX61437649

Crockern Tor Cist

Crockern Tor Cist

OS Map: SX 61414 76055
NMR record: SX 67 NW 151
HER record: MDV57569
Megalithic Portal: 45816
PMD: Crockern Tor
Alternate name: Crockern Tor 1 Cist
ShortName: CT CrockernNW1
Butler Vol 5: p.32 & Fig.11
DPD page: 110
Notes: "Remains of a small cairn with cist on a moderate W slope in open grassland at SX 61407604 overlooking the West Dart in Crockern Newtake. It has been robbed heavily, leaving only one cist slab and fragments of the cairn material. The slab is restangular in side view and in section, firmly embedded on edge, measuring 1.2m long 0.48m high and 0.15m thick. It is aligned NW to SE." Butler Vol 5 p. 32. Lethbridge diagram and photo p.110.
Nearby sites: SX61417606

Crockern Tor 2 Cairn

Crockern Tor 2 Cairn

OS Map: SX 61262 75987
NMR record: SX 67 NW 152
HER record: MDV52777
ShortName: CN CrockernNW2
Nearby sites: SX61267599

Beardown Farm Cist

OS Map: SX 60400 75400
NMR record: SX 67 NW 86
HER record: MDV5974
Megalithic Portal: 45789
PMD: Beardown Farm
ShortName: CTxBeardown Fm
Grinsell: LYD 46
Notes: The site is believed to have been destroyed many years ago Bray 1879 (included in listing as 130 in Grinsell list). Area is covered in Butler Vol 2 Map 29. "The remains of a cist surrounded by a rough pavement was examined by Mr Bray in September 1832 'two or three minutes walk north east of Beardown House' (at SX 604 754). Three stones of a four foot long cist stood six inches above ground level. A small piece of coarse pottery was found inside."
Nearby sites: SX60407540

Holmingbeam Cup Stone

Holmingbeam Cup Stone

OS Map: SX 59488 75233
NMR record: SX 57 NE 64
HER record: MDV12807
Megalithic Portal: 10606
ShortName: CS Holmingbeam
DPD page: 107
Notes: "Mortar stone of uncertain date incorporated into the eastern boundary wall of Long Plantation. It was formerly, erroneously, recorded as a cup-marked stone." The stone is upside down in wall by road side and has the figure 18 painted on it. Lethbridge diagram and photo p.107
Nearby sites: SX59497523

North Hessary Tor 1 Cairn

OS Map: SX 57877 74224
NMR record: SX 57 SE 90
HER record: MDV5015
ShortName: CN:North Hes 1
Butler map: 44.9.1
Grinsell: WAL 8
Nearby sites: SX57887422

North Hessary Tor 2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 57780 74320
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV131561
ShortName: CN?North Hes 2
Butler map: 44.9.2
Notes: Butler: A more likely xample of a burial cairn lies about 100m downhill [from the North Hessary Tor summit cairn] to the north, a very disurbed mound beside the road.
Nearby sites: SX57787432

North Hessary Tor 3 Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 57800 74200
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
PMD: Hessary Tor
ShortName: CT?North Hes 3
Butler map: 44.9.3
Grinsell: B:WAL 36
Notes: Dilapidated cairn 'remarkable for beign double kisted' (Bate 1871). Grinsell doubtful site. Could be HER 5015, see also WAL 8. Butler suggests that Bate was possibly referring to the rather confused structure of the Yellowmead cist well down the western slopes (Butler Vol 3 p.33).
Nearby sites: SX57807420

Thornworthy 2 Cist

Thornworthy 2 Cist

OS Map: SX 59015 73471
NMR record: SX 68 SE 48
HER record: MDV6613
Megalithic Portal: 15453
PMD: Thornworthy
ShortName: CT Thornworth
Butler map: 35.22
Butler Vol 5: p.64 & Fig.42
DPD page: 137
Grinsell: CHA 3
Turner: E39
Barrow Report: 56
Notes: Located at the High Moorland Visitor Centre at Princetown. There were two cists at Thornworthy and both were excavated. This record refers to the second slightly smaller cist. This was removed after the excavation and re-erected at Torquay Museum. The cist is located in the Jack Wigmore Garden (also known as the Dartmoor Conservation Garden). It can be accessed from the ballroom of the Visitors Centre or alternatively by walking a very short distance down from the mini roundabout outside the centre down the Yelverton Road (Plymouth Hill). A gate on the right hand side behind the visitors centre gives access to the garden. See also: Thornworthy Cist. Butler Vol. 2. Map 35.22 p.169, see also diagram Vol. 5. p.64.
Nearby sites: SX59027347

Roundhill, Near Summit Cist

Roundhill, Near Summit Cist

OS Map: SX 61046 74428
NMR record: SX 67 SW 3
HER record: MDV6217
Megalithic Portal: 45682
PMD: Round Hill Summit W.
Alternate name: Round Hill Summit 1 Cist
ShortName: CT Roundhill 1
Butler map: 65.1.1
DPD page: 105
Grinsell: LYD 78
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: Butler Round Hill Summit 1 - Vol. 4. Map 65.1 (p.227-9, diagram of Round Hill cairns p.228). Lethbridge p.103 diagram Cist(A), photo top p.105.
Nearby sites: SX61057443

Roundhill, East of Summit Cist

Roundhill, East of Summit Cist

OS Map: SX 61164 74413
NMR record: SX 67 SW 12
HER record: MDV6257
Megalithic Portal: 45681
PMD: Round Hill E.
Alternate name: Round Hill Summit 2 Cist
ShortName: CT Roundhill 2
Butler map: 65.1.2
DPD page: 105
Grinsell: LYD 79
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: "A well preserved cist, situated on a slight east-facing slope just off the crest of a rounded hilltop. It stands in isolation on a generally stone-free area of rough moorland pasture. The side slabs are each 1.2m long and up to 0.3m thick and the end slabs are 0.55m long, 0.15m wide and 0.4m long, 0.1m wide respectively. The coverstone is up to 1.6m long, 0.9m wide and 0.2m thick. There are no surface indications of either a cairn or mound around the cist." Lethbridge p.103 diagram Cist(B), photo bottom p.105. Butler Round Hill Summit 2 (Cist 2) - Vol. 4. Map 65.1 (p.227-9, diagram of Round Hill cairns p.228).
Nearby sites: SX61167441

Round Hill Summit 3 Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 61110 74470
NMR record: SX 67 SW 4
HER record: MDV6256
PMD: Round Hill NE.
ShortName: CT?Roundhill 3
Butler map: 65.1.3
Notes: Alledged cist and stone row asdescribed by Prowse 1901. No significant features can be identified in this area.
Nearby sites: SX61117447

Round Hill Summit 4 (site of) Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 61046 74422
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV6238
PMD: Blackabrook (Possible Stone Row)
ShortName: CT?Roundhill 4
Notes: Duplicate of HER 6256? Cist noted (prowse). Vis=not visible on raf photos (rchm app 1985). Vis=2/9/1950 (os) no trace of this feature found.
Nearby sites: SX61057442

Round Hill S.1 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 60990 74150
NMR record: SX 67 SW 13
HER record: MDV6372
ShortName: CN?Roundhill S
Butler map: 65.1.4
Grinsell: LYD 77
Nearby sites: SX60997415

Roundhill SW (N) Cist

Roundhill SW (N) Cist

OS Map: SX 60916 74160
NMR record: SX 67 SW 15
HER record: MDV6248
Megalithic Portal: 45680
PMD: Roundhill SW 2
Alternate name: Round Hill S.2 Cist
ShortName: CT RoundhillS2
Butler map: 65.1.5
DPD page: 106
Grinsell: LYD 76
Barrow Report: 31
Notes: Northern of a pair of cists. Butler Round Hill S. 3. (Cairn 6) - Vol. 4. Map 65.1 (p.227-9 general plan of diagram of Round Hill cairns p.228). LYDFORD 75. "A turf-covered cairn, slightly spread on the northern side, measuring 5.0 meters by 4.8 meters and 0.5 meters in height. An almost centrally placed upright slab, 0.6 meters long and 0.13 meters wide and a large slab at the foot of the mound could both be part of a disturbed cist. There is no evidence of a kerb". Lethbridge diagram p.103, photo bottom p.106.
Nearby sites: SX60927416

Roundhill SW (S) Cist

Roundhill SW (S) Cist

OS Map: SX 60910 74140
NMR record: SX 67 SW 15
HER record: MDV6249
Megalithic Portal: 52683
PMD: Roundhill SW 1
Alternate name: Round Hill S.3 Cist
ShortName: CT RoundhillS3
Butler map: 65.1.6
DPD page: 106
Grinsell: LYD 75
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: Southern of a pair of cists. "Small turf-covered cairn with an open cist in the centre. Diameter of cairn 4.0m. Height 0.5m. The cist is practically buried under the turf now. Internal dimensions 0.85m x 0.5m. The capstone is 1.1m x 0.8m rests on the north side of the cairn. Condition of cairn and cist - fairly good. Orientation of the long axis of the cist is WNW-ESE." Lethbridge diagram p.103, photo top p.106. Butler Round Hill S. 2. (Cairn 5) - Vol. 4. Map 65.1 (p.227-9 general plan of diagram of Round Hill cairns p.228).
Nearby sites: SX60917414

Round Hill E.1 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61700 74200
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV6240
ShortName: CNxRoundhillE1
Nearby sites: SX61707420

Round Hill E.2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61610 74410
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV18229
ShortName: CN:RoundHillE2
Notes: HER quoting Quinnell: The earthwork noted by Greeves (1982) is at SX 61607440 on a triangular patch of moorland, effectively isolated by a silted stream course on the W and S and tinworkings to the E, with the West Dart to the N.

The feature consists of a circular turf-covered platform, 8.7m in diameter and 0.2m high, with a very slight E slope. Apart from the E quadrant it is enclosed by a bank 1.4m wide, 0.4m high externally and 0.2m high on the inner face. Probing suggests that the bank is wholly of turf. Outside is a ditch, 2m wide and 0.1m deep. Both bank and ditch are clear around the western half but fade to the E, where the extremity has been cut away by a tinner's trench.

Outside the earthwork a peaty soil overlies growan with very little stone. Constructionally it is unlike the round houses of the local open settlements, and Greeves may be correct with his suggestion that it could be a ring cairn. Its low lying situation, 1m higher than the bank of the West Dart, can be parallel by the cists alongside Blackbrook River (SX 67 SW 18).

See also duplicate entry for possible round house. Roundhill Round House
Nearby sites: SX61617441

Round Hill E.3 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61230 74400
NMR record: SX 67 SW 5
HER record: MDV6219
ShortName: CN?RoundHillE3
Grinsell: B:LYD 79a
Notes: Ditched mounds believed to be pillow mounds of rabbit warren c 18/19. See also duplicate HER record 54366.
Nearby sites: SX61237440

Round Hill E.4 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61550 74210
NMR record: SX 67 SW 8
HER record: MDV6239
ShortName: CN?RoundHillE4
Grinsell: B:LYD 79b
Notes: Ditched mounds believed to be pillow mounds of rabbit warren c 18/19
Nearby sites: SX61557421

Round Hill E.5 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 61710 74200
NMR record: SX 67 SW 8
HER record: MDV6240
ShortName: CN?RoundHillE5
Grinsell: B:LYD 79c
Notes: Ditched mounds believed to be pillow mounds of rabbit warren c 18/19
Nearby sites: SX61717420

Round Hill E Reported Stone Row

OS Map: SX 61210 74390
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV6220
PMD: Roundhill E.
ShortName: SR:RoundHill E
Notes: Record originates with Prowse. HER: Stone alignment east of Round Hill later identified as a prehistoric field boundary
Nearby sites: SX61217439

Oakery (c.6) Cairnfield Master

OS Map: SX 59700 74000
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER: No record found
ShortName: CNxOakery M
Butler map: 65.3
Notes: LYD 69-74. Clearance cairns? See individua listings -this record is a duplicate in that it refers to all of them.
Nearby sites: SX59707400

Oakery 1 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59754 74111
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3792
ShortName: CNxOakery 1
Grinsell: LYD 69
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59757411

Oakery 2 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59764 74105
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3793
ShortName: CNxOakery 2
Grinsell: LYD 70
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59767411

Oakery 3 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59767 74096
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3794
ShortName: CNxOakery 3
Grinsell: LYD 71
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59777410

Oakery 4 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59792 74070
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3795
ShortName: CNxOakery 4
Grinsell: LYD 72
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59797407

Oakery 5 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59797 74066
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3796
ShortName: CNxOakery 5
Grinsell: LYD 73
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59807407

Oakery 6 Clearance Cairn

OS Map: SX 59815 74055
NMR record: SX 57 SE 56
HER record: MDV3797
ShortName: CNxOakery 6
Grinsell: LYD 74
Notes: 6 post-medieval stone heaps
Nearby sites: SX59827406

Blackabrook, South Cist

Blackabrook, South Cist

OS Map: SX 60524 73860
NMR record: SX 67 SW 18
HER record: MDV6254
Megalithic Portal: 45679
PMD: Blackabrook
Alternate name: Round Hill S.E.1 Cist
ShortName: CT Blackbrk S
Butler map: 65.3.1
DPD page: 103
Grinsell: LYD 80
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: "This cist with its displaced capstone lies on the edge of the river bank. Vestiges of the small surrounding cairn are now hidden under the turf. The chamber of the cist measures 1.25m by 0.55m and about 0.5m deep; the capstone is 1.5m long, 1.1m wide and 0.15m thick. The south stone has fallen outwards." Lethbridge p.103 diagram Black Brook Cist(A), photo p.103. Butler Round Hill S.E. 2. - Vol. 4. Map 65.3 (diagram of cists alongside the Blackbrook pp.230-1).

Nearby sites: SX60527386

Blackabrook, West Cist

Blackabrook, West Cist

OS Map: SX 60522 73867
NMR record: SX 67 SW 18
HER record: MDV6253
Megalithic Portal: 45679
PMD: Blackabrook NW.
Alternate name: Round Hill S.E.2 Cist
ShortName: CT Blackbrk W
Butler map: 65.3.2
DPD page: 104
Grinsell: LYD 81
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: "The reed-filled cist is approximately 1.0m by 0.7m and about 0.2m deep. Peat has accumulated around the sides of the slabs but a few stones evident on the SW side may be part of a robbed cairn." Lethbridge p.103 diagram Black Brook Cist(B), photo p.104. Butler Round Hill S.E. 1 - Vol. 4. Map 65.3 (diagram of cists alongside the Blackbrook pp.230-1).
Nearby sites: SX60527387

Blackabrook, East Cist

Blackabrook, East Cist

OS Map: SX 60528 73873
NMR record: SX 67 SW 18
HER record: MDV6252
Megalithic Portal: 45679
PMD: Blackabrook E.
Alternate name: Round Hill S.E.3 Cist
ShortName: CT Blackbrk E
Butler map: 65.3.3
DPD page: 104
Grinsell: LYD 82
Barrow Report: 31 44
Notes: "A well defined cist which has two stones supporting the slabs in the SE corner. The chamber measures 0.95m by 0.85m and about 0.4m deep. A turf-covered stony spread around the cist may be part of a robbed cairn." Lethbridge p.103 diagram Black Brook Cist(C), photo bottom p.104. Butler Round Hill S.E. 3 - Vol. 4. Map 65.3 (diagram of cists alongside the Blackbrook pp.230-1).

Nearby sites: SX60537387

Round Hill S.E.4 Cairn Circle & Cist

OS Map: SX 60630 73960
NMR record: SX 67 SW 16
HER record: MDV6250
PMD: Roundhill Leat
ShortName: CN:RoundhilSE4
Butler map: 65.3.4
Grinsell: LYD 83
Notes: Prowse 1901. Cairn with retaining circle. Remnant of a small cairn enclosing portions of two kists side by side, level with the surface and nearly filled up with soil. Note - cists no longer visible.
Nearby sites: SX60637396

Blackbrook 1 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 60230 73870
NMR record: SX 67 SW 20
HER record: MDV6288
ShortName: CN:Blackbrk 1
Notes: In area of tin working.
Nearby sites: SX60237387

Blackbrook 2 Reported Cairn

OS Map: SX 60060 73920
NMR record: SX 67 SW 21
HER record: MDV6289
ShortName: CNxBlackbrk 2
Grinsell: B:LYD 80a
Notes: Remains of a small tumulus (prowse). There is no evidence of a cairn in this area.
Nearby sites: SX60067392

Blackbrook (Prowse) Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 60500 73840
NMR record: SX 67 SW 18
HER record: MDV6247
PMD: Blackabrook W.
ShortName: CT?Blackbrk 3
Notes: Prowse, A. B., 1901, The Antiquities of Ockery and Roundhill. An imperfect ring of stones five yards in diameter, which must at some time have encircled a kisvaen. Doubtful!
Nearby sites: SX60507384

Blakey Tor Cairn

OS Map: SX 61150 73730
NMR record: SX 67 SW 199
HER record: MDV18419
PMD: Blakey Tor
ShortName: CN:Blakey Tor
Notes: Radcliffe, doubtful cist: Possibly the cairn referred to in an English Heritage Report and by Fletcher and Dunn in "Patterns of the Past", at SX 6115 7373, as a cairn having a "shallow depression in its top".
Nearby sites: SX61157373

Blakey Tor (E) Cist

Blakey Tor (E) Cist

OS Map: SX 61312 73558
NMR record: SX 67 SW 10
HER record: MDV6245
Megalithic Portal: 28869
PMD: Blakey Tor E.
Alternate name: Blakey Tor E. Cist
ShortName: CT Blakey Tor
Butler map: 65.4
DPD page: 102
Grinsell: LYD 85
Barrow Report: 31 47
Notes: "A reed-filled cist is set well into the cairn on a NNW-SSE axis. The intact chamber measures internally 0.95m long, a maximum 0.65m wide and 0.45m deep; the longest side slab is 1.4m by 0.3m by 0.45m and largest end slab 0.55m by 0.2m by 0.4m. The coverstone against the NW side of the cist is roughly oval in shape and measures 1.7m by 1.3m and a maximum 0.25m thick." Lethbridge diagram p.102 Cist(B), photo p.102. Butler Vol. 4. Map 65.4 (diagram p.232).
Nearby sites: SX61317356

Blakey Tor (W) Cist

Blakey Tor (W) Cist

OS Map: SX 61240 73551
NMR record: SX 67 SW 11
HER record: MDV6244
Megalithic Portal: 45772
PMD: Blakey Tor W.
Alternate name: Blakey Tor W. Cist
ShortName: CT BlakeyTor W
Butler map: 65.4
DPD page: 103
Grinsell: LYD 84
Notes: "The incomplete cist is oriented NW-SE. It measures about 0.85m long, 0.4m to 0.55m wide and 0.25m deep internally. The upright W side slab is 0.9m by 0.2m by 0.25m and the surviving end slab is 0.4m by 0.2m by 0.25m. The E side is formed by a flat-sided boulder which is c. 1.1m long, at least 0.6m thick and 0.25m high. The SE side is open. The coverstone is 1.7m by 0.7m by 0.4m and leans against the W side of the cist." Lethbridge diagram p.102 Cist(A), photo top p.103. Butler Blakey Tor W. - Vol. 4. Map 65.4 (diagram p.232).
Nearby sites: SX61247355

Bachelors Hall Reported Cist

Bachelors Hall Reported Cist

OS Map: SX 60426 73665
NMR record: SX 67 SW 261
HER record: MDV18392
PMD: Bull Park
ShortName: CT-Bachelors
Notes: Greeves cairn and cist. Supposed cairn & cist poss natural feature. As can be seen in the photo this looks more like a natural feature.
Nearby sites: SX60437367

Page last updated 10/12/24