Database entries
PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Dunnabridge Pound
OS Map: SX 6462 7465
OS Source: Constructed
HER: MDV6272
Megalithic Portal: 10635
PMD: Dunnabridge Pound
Alternate name: Dunnabridge
Short Name: PD Dunnabridge
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: PDW
Cairn Class: No
Lidar: SX 6462 7465
Guide Map: 35
Nearest Bus Stop: Powder Mills (3.4 km) [Route: 171]
Nearby sites: SX 6462 7465
Dunnabridge Pound probably has its origins in the prehistoric period as evidenced by the slight traces of hut circles within it. The pound underwent reconstruction in the medieval period and was used in the drifts to hold cattle found illegally pasturing on the moors. It was from this usage that the Judge's Chair got its name. "It occupies 0.9ha on a slight S slope, and is of rather oval form with greatest diameters of 110m by 122m. It is enclosed by a drystone wall 1.9m high and about 1m thick at the base, tapering towards the top. The material is mostly medium size moor stones with some large blocks and upright slabs incorporated at the base. The uneven interior is slightly raised at the southern perimeter and cut into the slope on the north, accompanied by a spread of stones, 1.5m long and 0.3m high, extending from the inner face and up to 0.6m high. The only entrance to be seen is the gated one on the S." See also,
Legendary Dartmoor: Dunnabridge PoundReferences
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