Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Prehistoric sites within 2km of SX 56132 90651

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

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About the database listings: In all listings clicking on the photo or the site name will open a page for the site with a larger photo and further details from the database. The database now has over 6680 records covering nearly all publicly listed sites on Dartmoor including around 4800 round houses. This level of detail is of interest to archaeologists but tends to swamp listings of sites more likely to be of interest for walkers. For this reason, the listings default to around 550 core sites only. These are the stone circles, stone rows and the ring cairns listed by Turner. The default search radius is 2 km. The controls below the map can be used to start a new search by entering a 6- or 8-digit reference (without the prefix "SX"). The search radius can be specified and you can add incremental Display layers of detail on top of the core sites. If using a more detailed layer you will need to decrease the search radius to avoid getting hundreds of search results.

These listings have incorporated, matched up and merged all of the records from all of the major archaeological listings including: Worth, Grinsell, Turner, Butler, Bill Radcliffe, Sandy Gerrard, Megalithic Portal, the National Monument Records and the Historic Environment Records. The author would like to thank Bill, Sandy, the lovely people both at Megalithic Portal (especially Anne Tate who did an amazing job to link listings) and at ACE Archaeology for collaborative work over the years to synchronise and correct listings across the various websites which now interlink. A culmination of years of work the final merger of cairn records took 3 months of cross referencing in 2017 the result being a snapshot of the records at that time. This data has in turn been refined since by field work and research. The round house data was supplied by Sandy Gerrard. Grid references are in order of accuracy: from Google Earth satellite, if visible and found, from a Garmin GPS reading, if visited by the author and from the literature otherwise. Individual site pages will state the source of the grid reference and provide satellite imagery. If a site listing lacks a photo it has not yet been visited by the author in which case the grid reference is from the literature.

Currently the database only includes sites which can be represented by a grid reference. Reaves are not included as they require GIS shape technology which is beyond the current capability of this system. To see the sources for the records, look at the tables on the resources menu. The database listings can also be viewed on a Google map and downloaded as GPS datasets for Garmin devices.

Corrections, or any feedback or suggestions are very welcome, email:

NOTE: Clicking on the icons for each monument in the map will give the name of the site. You can zoom in and out and drag the map around.

List of sites within 2km of SX 56132 90651

Black Down W. Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

OS Map: SX 57398 91540
HER: MDV61332
Megalithic Portal: 45801
PMD: Black Down
ShortName: CT:BlackDown W
Butler map: 42.6
Butler Vol 5: p.58 & Fig.35
Notes: Not located at SX 57409153 on 28/08/16. Butler SX57389153. NMR SX57469153."The cairn is 6 metres in diameter and 0.7 metres in height. The cist is 0.9 metres long with 2 end stones in the original position. Remains of a kerb are visible around the north west edge of the mound". 1.6km east of Higher Bowden. nb. Not listed by Turner - assigned as "Platform Circle" type cairn due to description in NMR. "A flat-topped cairn". Butler Black Down W. Vol. 2. Map 42.6 (diagram Vol 5. p.58).
Nearby sites: SX 57398 91540
Distance: 1.55km

Branscombe's Loaf Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Branscombe's Loaf Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 55305 89126
HER: MDV48863
Megalithic Portal: 45843
ShortName: RC Branscomb 6
Turner: A57
Notes: One of 4 cairns on Corn Ridge - see Turner "Ring Cairns, Stone Circles and Related Monuments on Dartmoor" DASP No. 48 p59 for diagram of the 4 cairns. This one is a "tor cairn" - a circular bank enclosing a rocky outcrop. The circle can be seen clearly on Google Earth satellite imagery.
Nearby sites: SX 55305 89126
Distance: 1.73km

Corn Ridge Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Corn Ridge Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 55138 89153
HER: MDV3172
Megalithic Portal: 52276
Alternate name: Branscombe's Loaf 2 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Branscomb 2
Butler map: 43.12.2
Grinsell: BRI 10
Turner: A14
Notes: This ring cairn can just about be seen in the photograph that accompanies this record, it is a bit difficult to capture in a photograph. It is a bit of an indistinct circular bank. It is perhaps easier to see in the Google Earth satellite imagery - which can help to then make sense of the photograph. One of 4 cairns on Corn Ridge - see Turner "Ring Cairns, Stone Circles and Related Monuments on Dartmoor" DASP No. 48 p59 for diagram of the 4 cairns.
Nearby sites: SX 55138 89153
Distance: 1.80km

Corn Ridge Encircled Cairn

Corn Ridge Encircled Cairn

OS Map: SX 55175 89119
HER: MDV3171
Megalithic Portal: 3158
Alternate name: Branscombe's Loaf 1 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Branscomb 1
Butler map: 43.12.1
Grinsell: BRI 9
Turner: F2
Notes: One of 4 cairns on Corn Ridge - see Turner "Ring Cairns, Stone Circles and Related Monuments on Dartmoor" DASP No. 48 p59 for diagram of the 4 cairns.
Nearby sites: SX 55175 89119
Distance: 1.81km

Corn Ridge N.W.1 Cairn

Corn Ridge N.W.1 Cairn

OS Map: SX 54603 89454
HER: MDV4627
Megalithic Portal: 10022
ShortName: CN CornRg NW1
Butler map: 43.10.1
Grinsell: BRI 1
Notes: Butler Corn Ridge NW1. Southern most of pair of cairns near stone circle. "The remains of a cairn, SX 54608942, which has been disturbed in the past - now heather covered. Diameter 10.5m, height 0.5m. One or two stones of the retaining circle are still visible but there is no trace of a cist to be seen." Previously listed as Sourton Tors S.E. - changed to the Butler name as less confusing given part of a pair of cairns
Nearby sites: SX 54603 89454
Distance: 1.94km

Corn Ridge Rock Stone Ring Cairn Circle

Corn Ridge Rock Stone Ring Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 55219 89145
HER: MDV48864
Megalithic Portal: 45850
Alternate name: Branscombe's Loaf 3 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: RC Branscomb 3
Butler map: 43.12.3
Turner: A66
Notes: "Tor cairn on summit of Corn Ridge. Two banks of small to medium stones associated with large outcrop. Outer bank survives as 12 metres long, 1.2 metres wide, 0.3 metres high curving rubble spread following s + w edges of the outcrop. Inner ring measures 1.3m wide, 0.3m high and corresponds with the n edge of the outcrop, but also extends over the rock itself, which stands 3m high. Area enclosed by ring banks measures 15m ns by 12m ew" One of 4 cairns on Corn Ridge - see Turner "Ring Cairns, Stone Circles and Related Monuments on Dartmoor" DASP No. 48 p59 for diagram of the 4 cairns.
Nearby sites: SX 55219 89145
Distance: 1.76km

Homerton Hill N. Cist

Homerton Hill N. Cist

OS Map: SX 56132 90651
HER: MDV12884
Megalithic Portal: 45808
PMD: Homerton Hill
ShortName: CT Homerton N
Butler map: 43.15
Butler Vol 5: p.177 & Fig.119
DPD page: 157
Notes: Butler Homerton Hill N. Vol. 2. Map 43.15 (diagram Vol. 5. p.177). A small, disturbed cairn containing three edge set stones of a cist ... The turf covered cairn measures 3.5 x 3.1m and 0.3m max. height. The top and north side of the mound has been disturbed exposing the three in situ cist stones. The cist measures 0.8 x 0.6m and 0.3mdeep. It is now open to the north. A large stone lying flush with the ground lies immediately north east of the cairn and probably represents the missing endstone or the coverstone. Lethbridge diagram p.156 and photos p157.
Nearby sites: SX 56132 90651
Distance: 0.00km

Longstone Hill Standing Stone

Longstone Hill Standing Stone

OS Map: SX 56725 90890
HER: MDV5571
Megalithic Portal: 36422
PMD: Longstone Hill Standing Stone
ShortName: SS Longstone
Butler map: 42.
Butler Vol 5: p.220
DPD page: 156
Notes: Possible recumbent longstone on summit of Longstone Hill, east of Meldon Reservoir. Suggested as possible menhir by Butler and Newman.

Historic England:A sinuous 50 metres long, 2 metres wide and 0.25 metres high bank lying within the monument leads towards a large recumbent stone. This stone measures 1.75 metres long, 0.8 metres wide and 0.45 metres thick and is the only large stone visible on Longstone Hill. It has been suggested that this may be the longstone which once stood upright to give the hill its name. The presence of this stone, which would have been broadly contemporary with the cairns, provides additional support for the ritual and funerary character ascribed to many cairns within the group.
Nearby sites: SX 56725 90890
Distance: 0.64km

Sourton Tors Ancient Pool

Sourton Tors Ancient Pool

OS Map: SX 54596 89607
HER: MDV127223
ShortName: PO Sourton Tor
Notes: Pool measures 12 by 10.5m. One of over 40 such 'sacred' pools identified on Dartmoor that are thought to have potentially been designed during the prehistoric period, and may have been used to deposit votive items, although these Dartmoor examples may have alternative significance as designed prehistoric elements in the landscape. Many are located on ridge tops and in conjunction with cairns, stone rows and other prehistoric features. Further research may well reveal more about these interesting features.
Nearby sites: SX 54596 89607
Distance: 1.86km

Sourton Tors Stone Circle

Sourton Tors Stone Circle

OS Map: SX 54683 89587
HER: MDV4626
Megalithic Portal: 3472
PMD: Sourton (Corn Ridge) Stone Circle
ShortName: SC Sourton Tor
Butler map: 43.6
Turner: G3
Notes: "A stone circle, diameter about 110 ft and appearing to have comprised 32 stones of which all but six remain where they have fallen, has been discovered between Sourton Tors and Cornridge. In size it compares with the circles of the Grey Wethers and Scorhill". For a photo of this site, see: Megalithic Portal: Sourton Tors Stone Circle
Nearby sites: SX 54683 89587
Distance: 1.80km

Yes Tor E Cairn

Yes Tor E Cairn

OS Map: SX 58044 90185
HER: MDV4814
Megalithic Portal: 36416
Alternate name: Yes Tor 2 Cairn
ShortName: CN Yes Tor E
Butler map: 42.1.2
Grinsell: OKE 2
Notes: One of two cairns on Yes Tor. On the top of the flat outcrop of Yes Tor and piled against the west side is an amorphous mass of stones representing a ruined cairn. The patch of stones on the top is more or less 14.0m across and 0.3 m high and the piling against the outcrop is 2.3m high. It is possible that this has resulted from bulldozing the cairn over the side of the outcrop but the stones appear quite stable and compacted.

The central excavation is approximately 12.0m across and extends to 0.5m below the natural ground level. In the base of the hollow and on its south side are three partly buried slabs each about 1.7m long, 0.2m thick and more than 0.5m wide, which look like the displaced remains of a former cist.
Nearby sites: SX 58044 90185
Distance: 1.97km

Yes Tor W Cairn

Yes Tor W Cairn

OS Map: SX 57955 90210
HER: MDV4813
Megalithic Portal: 36416
Alternate name: Yes Tor 1 Cairn
ShortName: CN Yes Tor W
Butler map: 42.1.1
Grinsell: OKE 1
Notes: Western of two round barrows on the summit of yes tor. About 36.6m nw of flag staff on the top of yes tor is an incomplete ring of rough granite boulders varying in size but generally 0.3m - 0.9m. Long. The ring is about 6.1m long and is defective on the north east side where there is evidence of a slightly sunken trackway. In the interior of this ring the ground is slightly irregular and contains blocks of granite. At the south western part of the circle a smaller circle of stones abuts on the previous circle. Butler Volume 2 Map 42.1.
Nearby sites: SX 57955 90210
Distance: 1.88km

Page last updated 18/02/24